I'm 14. Seeing a Vagina Doctor. PLZ HELP ME. I'M SCARED?

I'm 14 & have horrid stinky green/red vaginal discharge

Mum said i'm seeing a doctor to be examined in my vangina

I'm anxious doctor will hurt me
what will she do
how will doctor examine my vagina (too embarassed to ask mum)

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When you go for your first gynaecological examination/visit, you may have a few examinations done, which may include the following: A pelvic exam is a passageway for your gynaecologist to examine your female organs and check for any gynaecological problems.

You may be worried about your first pelvic exam. It's deeply normal to be anxious give or take a few something when you don't know what to expect. Hopefully after reading this, you will be reassured that it is simple, isn't painful and the actual pelvic exam take only about 5 minutes. It is also mundane to feel embarrassed or uneasy in the order of your first exam, I still feel embarrassed beside mine and I've had may many pelvic examinations over days gone by 10 years due to female related problems I'm experiencing.

However, if you know what to expect, it may help you relax. I'm sure your gyno understand how you feel and will be sensitive and gentle, and answer any question you may have.

There are other important reason to have a pelvic exam. These may include:

- Unexplained pain surrounded by your lower belly or around the pelvic area, where your vagina is;
- Vaginal discharge or wetness on your underwear that cause itching, burning or smells bad;
- No menstrual periods by age 15 or 16;
- Vaginal bleeding that last more than 10 days;
- Missed periods; especially if you are having sex;
- Menstrual cramps so unpromising that you miss school or work.

During your first check up your gyno will ask you questions almost:

- Your general health, allergies and medication you are taking;
- Your menstrual period, such as how old you be when you first got it, how long it lasts, how repeatedly it comes, how much you bleed , the first day that your last length started, if you have cramps; and at what age your breasts started to develop.
- Whether you have ever have sex or have been sexually abused.
- If you own vaginal itchiness or an unusual discharge or odor from your vagina.

If you find it comforting your Mum can go with you for support. After you hold given your medical history, been weighed and have your blood pressure checked, you will be asked to put on a gown. You will need to remove your clothes including your underwear and bra. A breast exam is often done as a routine segment of this check-up.

Your gyno will explain the steps to the exam and ask you to lie down on the exam table. You will be given a sheet to put over your stomach and legs. You will then be asked to move down to the closing stages of the table and place your feet in stirrups (these are holders for your feet). With your knees bent, you will be asked to tolerate your knees fall to each side allowing your legs to spread apart. This is usually the sector when most women feel embarrassed. This emotion is normal too. Just remember that although this is your first exam, this is routine for your gyno and their only concern is for your robustness.

There are 3 parts to this exam. Sometimes not all parts of the pelvic exam are necessary. Ask your gyno which piece or parts will be done for your examination.

Your gyno will first look at the area outside of your vagina, (clitoris, labia, vaginal first, and rectum).

Now some information about the papsmear. The speculum is an instrument made of metal or plastic. Your gyno will place the speculum into your vagina. After it is inserted, it will be gently open so that your gyno can see your vagina and your cervix (the opening to your uterus).

After checking your vagina and cervix, your gyno may take a contracted plastic stick and a special tiny brush or a small "broom" and gently wipe away some of the cells from your cervix. This is a pap smear, which detects precipitate changes of the cervix before they become cancer. Most girls hold normal pap smears.

If you are having vaginal discharge, your gyno will appropriate another sample to check for a possible yeast infection and other causes of discharge. If you are have sex, your gyno will take another sample from the cervix to check for sexually transmitted diseases. When adjectives of these samples have be taken, your doctor will close the speculum and gently take it out.

When the exam is over, your gyno will answer any question you have and tell you when to generate your next appointment. He/she will also talk to you around any medications you may need and explain to you when and how you will get the results of the exam.

I hope this information helps you out. Best of luck and remember to try to relax. If at any time during your nouns, you feel uncomfortable or anything cause pain, you have the right to stop your gyno and tolerate him/her know.

Good luck. :)

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Dont worry, it is scary for everyone. Let your doctor know this is your first time going to a gynocologist, they are construal, and will explain everything to you as the visit progresses. The doctor will not hurt you. They will ask you about your family connections history, and if you are sexually active. They will ask you to take sour your clothes and put on a gown backwards, and cover yourself with a sheet. (they will then be off the room so you have privacy) During the exam (which only take about a minute), the doctor will insert a speculum into your vagina to hold it open so that they can swab and receive a sample to send to the lab. This may quality slightly uncomfortable, especially if you are still a virgin, but it is not bad plenty to be afraid of. Then the doctor will insert 1-2 fingers inside you and place one hand on your lower abdomen to check the position of your uterus. Finally, the doctor will do a rapid breast exam to check for lumps. If you still have questions, you can call upon your doctors office for more details on how their office preforms a routine exam. Good luck!

Is in that a trial that can put in the picture if u hold have sex during a trustworthy time of year of time?

Ok so first bad it could just be a affection or start of a period if you haven't started even so! The doctor will just ask you to lay on a bed with your pant off and look at the area , they will cart a swab with a over sized cotton bud looking thing. They will not insert anything into your vagina unless you are sexually stirring, if you are then they will insert a metal duck beak looking tool into your vagina and take a swab, it will be sent rotten to the lab and they will be able to tell you whats going on!

It is nought to be scared of, women get this done every three years to form sure everything is fine downstairs!

Good luck don't panic, I'm sure the doctor will be nice about it!

Could I hold something else besides a UTI?

First bad I'm happy that you are going to a doctor. Green means you enjoy some sort of an infection. Most likely it sounds like Bacterial Vaginosis. It is not a std and freshly happends to women when somethings gets off set off. The symptoms for it include green discharge and a strong fishy musty smell. The way that she will exam you is first the nurse will call you within and ask you a whole bunch of questions similar to if you smoke, drink, exercise etc...Then they will take your height, freight and blood pressure. Just like if you were at a regular doctors bureau. You will be asked to undress and put on some hospital pjs(the one with no back).Then you will wait contained by the room(for like ever) until the doc comes in. Then the doc will come within and ask you questions about what is going on down within. Then you will have to put your feet within the surrups that are connected to the table that you are sitting on and there are two on them on the bottom that your feet will sit within them. You will be on your back and your feet will be spread apart (thats why you hold the surrups it makes it more comfrotable for you and the doctor). She will shine a light(a light like a dentist office) on your vagina to get a better look. Then she will take sample and a pap smear(to test for cervical cancer/ hpv). Sometimes you have to skulk a little bit for the results and sometimes she can tell you right on the spot. I hope this help...give a update on how it went. I remember my first time and it be scary but after it was done I though to myself that it be no big deal at all.

I started my first time roughly 2-3 weeks ago?

in good health its simple but DON'T get scared because it solitary makes it worse.
stay calm. it works.
alls your doctor is going to do is look up near.
maybe with some tools that I don`t know cold or hurt while they go up but its all well-mannered because they are just trying to figure out what is wrong.
and Hun its not a Vagina doctor its a Gyno.
don't achieve frightened about what they are going to stick up you its for the better.


hey will check for any disahrge maybe STDs

its going to be okay

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