I'm 13 and 5'1. I want to be 5'4. Is it possible ?

Because everyone keeps telling me it's impossible (though I don't believe them).

My father is 5'9 and my mother is 4'11.
My mature sister is 5'5, but at my age she was like 10cm taller than me.

Is at hand hope ?

Answers:    I believe there is hope. I was 153 cm when I be 13. From the ages of 11 through 13 I worried I'd never get beyond 153cm. I'm 177 cm now (taller parents). .
Yes, you can grow by the time your 18 however it depends how far you are contained by Puberty. For example are you a late bloomer? Then you will grow more than if you stared puberty early and in a minute are having you period.

If you hold your period you will still grow some, as long as you haven't started birth control pills as they stop your bones from growing.

You can take human growth hormone and procure 3 inches a year or more. as long as haven't stopped growing due to birth control or pregnancy..
It's possible only if your body is suppose to grow more. If you're a male, after you might still have time. More than likely, you're a feminine and usually females reach their height confine faster than males.
So, if you're female then, your almost done growing. Maybe 2 more inches? Hopefully.
After adjectives, don't worry too much about your echelon. You are already in the 5 foot catagory. .
it depends on if you are male or womanly. If your are male you probably will grow. If you are a female and enjoy begun your period, you probably will not grow incredibly much more.
If you don't grow any more, that is ok. do not be concerned with how much your body grows. Try to grow spiritually. Lots of individuals are short and do great in life. It is your outlook on existence that is important. Paula Abdul and Prince are massively short people and they are extremely successful.
Perfectly possible. You have a long instrument to grow and everyone has different growth patterns.

My brother have only in this chronological year (he's fourteen) grown about four inches, and my sister too is 14 and has shot up.

You could ably have several more growth spurts to go. Don't verbs about it..
Well did u get ur interval yet??? If u did then u wouldnt grow more probably basically an inch so play ALOT of basket ball and frequent other sports if u didnt get ur period consequently u will still grow alot more wait till u get ur time of year and see if ur how u want to b if ur still short play some basketball!! Trust me this helps :) good luck! you will grow until you are 18 -20. dont sweat it. It will occur. you've a long time yet to go. girls grow on different schedule then boys. 13 or so guys hit a spurt and get elevated all of a sudden. Girls just slowly inch up within.
Yes, possibly when you were 18 :)

I'm 15 and 5'5.. wishing I can be similar to 5'7 .. hehe..

Btw, eat healthy food.. and be confident that you'll be taller..

I feel there is definitely hope.

It is almost positive that you will keep growing until you're at least 16.

I'm sure you will grow another couple of inches at lowest possible :)

Just eat well and stay nutritious..
Up to the age of 18 or 20 you will grow taller. Have enough food and exercises. Wait patiently. yes theres still hope...girls usually keep growing untill their almost 18, generally quite slowly..
i stopped growin at 15.. n im 19 n smallish (n elated!)

sleep wit ur legs streched n feet pointed! but dnt exagerate cos u'd end up bein 6 ft!!

(i cn suppose u tryin it!).
really im not sure but you shouldn't do anything about it but wait because you're lone 13 i think you might grow a little more No!!
You can't agree on to grow from one day to another..
3 inch high heels ought to do the trick. yea i be 5"3 and i grew to 5"6 in a month or to.
There is hope as you haven't stopped growing yet. i'm short an i freshly think that good things come surrounded by small packages :) You are only 13, many years to grow on the other hand, get a clue..
yes you will grow more over your teen years. there's still lots of time for you to grow, I'm 15 and have lately grown about 3' so do't worry! x .
you will grow more by time if u find an answer,relay me. (my girlfriend is at least 6 inches than me).
have you hit your growth spurt? except then wait. i go from 5'3 to 5'6 over 6 months. yes theres a chance becus ur stll growing

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