I took the morning after pill and am wondering going on for my probability of pregnancy.?
Answers: i've taken the morning after pill. it always throws your time of year way off and and cause pain. it forces objects out of your body and makes you bleed. as long as you cart in good time, the percentage of sucess is really perfect. also, it would be nearly impossible to get pregnant a few days after your period.
My clit is really really swollen and red.?
Your most probable not pregnant. Its just nerves. But one of the side effects of the pill is some irregular bleeding. But if you don't get your term on time. Take a pregnancy test.I requirement to lose 10 lbs contained by 5 weeks... any suggestions?
you're probably not pregnant, if you took it correctly.and EC might mess up your extent for a little bit.
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When do you have an idea that im going to achieve my extent??