Serious Question in the order of human being loose previously sex minus foreplay.?

Alright guys, serious question because it is cause conflict between myself and my partner.
Straight to it.
He went to finger me after making out and he could slip 4 within straight away.
Now the way he see's it - is that here were 2 and 2 lone possible causes.
1. Masturbation or
2. Im cheating on him.

Now neither of those are true.
He's very soon using this as amunition with trust issues.
No issue how many times i try to explain to him i don't know it either - he won't hold it.

What do you think have happened?
Also - is here a link or something you can furnish me to somewhere so that I can print it out and show him?

Is this just something that happen?
I can go from one extreme to the subsequent so whats up?

Please help.

Thanks alot =]

Answers:    Yes it newly happens.after you hold had sex several times..ur vagina just loosens up quicker, I get with my spanking new bf and after a month we slept together, before that I have not had sex for a fairly some time.and he could still fit 2-3 fingers inside me. Ur bf is a totaly loser, if he cant trust you, and abuses you mentally similar to this, I would kick him to the kerb.what variety of guy would be crude and disrespectful?, this is YOUR body, I think YOU know it better than he does, why is he pretending to know everything give or take a few ur body and even overriding what ur telling him?he sounds close to jealous trash, does he try and make u do what he requests abt other things? by making u feel guilty? I have a bf like that, he be terminally paranoid and insecure, needless to utter, I dumped him. I think that not situation how much you need this guy or resembling him, he sounds like a terribe bf and you should do indistinguishable by dumping him to save urself from spoil in the adjectives. tell him that tight vaginas are something that virgins hold, not women who have be having sex for several months or years...communicate him he really know nothing roughly speaking the female anatomy and should by rights be listen to you, since you know. Tell him that is why surgery exists to tighten the vagina-(you may own heard of it, its a plastic surgery proceedure to be exact becoming more in emergency each year) becuase of the impressively problem you have in a minute and that its common and mundane after you have be having sex for a while. its only that u were relaxed and when ur relaxed ur vagina relaxes smoothly anyway, so technically he should take it as a compliment to his abilites to relax and turn you on, not an insult or to scrounging u cheated.cause tight vaginas with the sole purpose exist for virgins and women who are not relaxed.
I hate to be niggardly but this sounds really weird. Maybe your too young at heart to be having sex. He should grow up. Of course you can be resembling that. What is he thinking. His fingers probably got smaller.
i have the same problem near my bf. i hadnt been beside anyone else sexually, so i had no bearing of explaining why i wasnt tight. i came to find out that since i work out alot (running, biking) that made my nouns a bit more stretchy/loose. hope that helps Do you use tampons, that may own caused your vagina to start a bit. Or maybe you basically have a wider labia. And when you draw from all "hot and wet" insertion can be pretty unproblematic.
Tell him its just the instrument you are and that your not cheating on him. Trust is huge in a relationship, and if he cant snap out of this and be a man consequently it wont work, and you need to exit him, or he will just break your heart, he requests to trust you.
Also every girl is different and some just enjoy "bigger" vagina's than others.
All you need to be doing are some exercises to manufacture yourself tighter

that should help
Wow , and this proves 1. 2.on your inventory? Why are you with this sicko? He have serious issues. Fingering you means nought, he can't prove anything by that. Seriously end this drama crap.

To answer your ask read up on your menstrual cycle your cervix changes ever afternoon its natural for your body to overt up more during different times of the month. Naturally for preparing your body for pregnancy.
go to Dr. Holmes' website, you can also share your enquiry with her and im sure you'll find the site immensely helpful. polite luck! Hmmm...he seems really insecure.
What's wrong near masturbating?
And tell him that you be turned on, thats why you were so damp.
Try kegels to tighten up. Yeah I know where ou are coming from though nearby are ways to remedy this. Its called Kegal exersise, when you sit on the tiolet stop weeing partially way through an that will show you what muscles you involve to work on. Then to start insert a finger in your vagina and overexcited the muscles you used on the loo, once you know where they are you do around 20-30 clenches 4-5 times a light of day. The result is not straight away but stick with it and you will definitly be aware of a difference. You can buy cones that have small wieghts inside and you insert the lightest first and take it inside you for as long as you can and when you have get used to that wieght you move on to the subsequent. You can get them from ann summers and on the lattice, or if your real worried dance see a doc and he can give you some. Good luck.
Look lower than ANATOMY & HEALTH.

There could be many reason for this,

Leave it to a guy to focus on the negitive rather than educating
himself on feminine anatomy. This is a large part of a set of why there are
so tons grown men that haven't a clue how to please a women, what a shame!
Have you heard the expression child position hips. If so that is solely half the equation. It sounds close to you may also have child stance lips.

Everyone is built different. Some are tight some are not. Some are raining some are dry. No one is the same. If they be how boring would it be for a guy to go down on a chic. one would be lately like an other.
The indisputable point is the trust thing. If he won't whip your word, then he's playing some charitable of control game. That sounds pretty gross.

And, even if you be masturbating, what of it? Your sexuality is yours. It's not his to give directives to, it's yours to share - if you find someone who appreciates the gift. I'm not sure this clown fits the description.

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