I NEED HELP!? its urgent.?

my mom is telling me that i will get my interval soon, but i don't know what that is! someone please tell me.

Answers:    its when you bleed out of your vagina one week of every month.
its not pleasant but every girl get it.
it pretty much means you're able to own babies.
you should ask your mom more about it. .
The menstrual cycle is the series of changes a woman's body go through to prepare for a pregnancy. About once a month, the uterus grows a new lining (endometrium) to win ready for a fertilized egg.When there is no fertilized egg to start a pregnancy, the uterus sheds its bin liner. This is the monthly menstrual bleeding.

If you need to know more information, you should ask your mom. If your not willing to cooperate to your mom about this, trying looking it up online. .
A period it piece of growing up. It only happens to girls. Once you acquire to a certain age(between 9 and 16) this occcurs. Your ovaries hold eggs and they trravel down to your uterous and iff not fertalized by a males sperm then the egg will want to come out. So the linning of your uterious(which is approaching blood)come out with the egg and it takes going on for 5 days for it to all come out(it comes out in ur down here spot haha)And hormones causes this and you also might get moody win cramps irritable back pain...When the blood comes out you dont want it to shift into your panties so wear a pad or a tampon. I just started my spell myself. oh and once you start you period you are considered an official women.hope i help and good luck.xoxo I don't know if this is a joke or not. It is almost unseen at the present time when someone doesn't know what a period is. Ask your mom first of all what is a term. If she won't answer you than go online and google menstruation and you will get adjectives the answers you need. Ask your mom first though..
Ask your mother honey.

But for short you're period is something that happen once a month for about 5-7 days. What happens is that you start bleeding from your vagina because the inside layer on the uterus sheds because their is no baby there.

This sounds too much similar to a joke.

Seriously, why would your mom tell you you'll own your period soon but not tell you what it is?

And Google seem to be a lot more convenient to look up what it is..
go here;

and here
ask ur mom or look it up within Wikipedia http://www.beinggirl.co.uk/yourmind/pms..
the best answer will come from your mother , ask her . why don't you have your mother explain?.
How old r u??? its blood that comes out of ur Vaj-j ask ur mom in the order of it

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