Is it possible and safe to go to swim when i have the menstrual blood cycle?

Answers:    100% yes... just wear a tampon of a Menstrual Cup.

Make sure to get out every hour or so and change it because the water can wick up and cause leaks, but that is no big deal...

Yes! Water often stops your mentsrual cycle. Wearing a tampon would be the best choice, but make sure you insert it securely. If you don't it may fall out while swimming. If your going to be swimming for a while make sure you change them way more often then you would if you weren't going swimming.

Also depends on how heavy your menstrual cycle is. .
yes it is very possible to go swimming
a tampon is the only way to go.
Unless its your backyard swimming pool, you can do whatever you want then, ex. skinny dipping.

Also, swimming will decrease your cramps and give your legs a rest from sitting and standing.
Water pressure and jet hot tubbing is healthy for your body and period..
You could use a tampon, but then again would you want other people to be exposed to blood? Don't do unto others what you yourself wouldn't want done to you. Personally i think you should wait until your period is over. For hygenic reasons, I don't think you should go swimming like that. it is perfectly ok to go swimming while on your period.
I recommend wearing a tampon, rather then a pad, because the water will absorb in the pad and look like a diaper. Also, try not to wear white bottoms. I did that once and bled through, no one saw, but it was still humiliating!.
yes it is safe. Just wear a tampon right before you enter the water and you will be fine. When you are done, discard the tampon and use a pad if it makes you feel more comfortable. Just don't wear a pad in the water as it is not recommended. I hope this helps. "the menstrual blood cycle"? Funny wording. Yeah, go for it. Wear a tampon. Water can help alleviate some symptoms, such as cramps. Any form of exercise during that time is good for you..
Yes, and you don't have to wear only a tampon, I wore liners and there were no red trails. I also have worn tampons so no matter what you use there is protection and no one will know. Yeah of course perfectly safe! Dont do it with a pad, have a tampon in tho. Only because it will be more comfortable for you not because it's bad..
Yes it is very safe to go swimming while on your period. Just wear a tampon while you are swimming to avoid any accidents. Yeah but if you dont like tampons when i was younger i use to wear shorts and wear like 6 pairs of underwear so that it wouldnt go threw when i went swimming lol it really works .
yeah it's perfectly fine as long as you wear a tampon. I personally wouldn't go swimming if it was that time of the month,but that's just me Wear a tampon, I would take a midol before I got i the water. cold water will cause you to cramp if you dont.
Yeah, just wear a tampon. Otherwise, you'll get an embarrassing display of red trails. yes, it is fine if you use a tampon. despite myths, periods do not stop underwater..
Yea you can you just have to wear a tampon repeating what's already been said but yup-
Yes.If you wear a tampon.I also recommend you wear shorts too. Well, it's safe, depends if you wanna leave a Jaws trail behind you. :).
Yes. Wear a tampon. yes, it will be perfectly safe..
Wear a tampon. yep! use a tampon!.
Of course! Just make sure you wear a tampon. yeah its called tampons .
Go for it. make sure you wear a tampon and you will be apsolutely fine.
yes, only if you wear a tampon. yes not a problem.
sure wear a tampon bears

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