I haven't had my period all summer. and i'm still a virgin! what do i do?

Answers:    If you are just starting your period, this may be normal. Girls within the first year of having their period typically are irregular, and may skip months. If this continues for an extended period of time, contact your doctor and have it checked out.

If you are on a regular cycle, you may want to go and see a doctor. There may be a problem with your cycle which may be benign or it could also be serious.

Good luck.
Rejoice! Ha! I did the same thing one summer. I eventually got put on birth control because of irregular periods (that came with killer cramps). If you're normally regular as clock work and this is really abnormal for you, go to a doctor. Under active thyroid can cause irregularity. Probably nothing serious is wrong, but its probably worth asking about next time you're at the doctor. If you just started having your periods, it's normal for your cycle to be irregular. But remember stress, change in diets, being underweight, and other things can cause late or missed periods. I think you should talk to your doctor if you're really concerned. If you don't get it more than 6 months, you should seriously go as fast as you can. But that's normal IF you're beginning. The cycle is wanting to regulate. Good Luck.
If you're female, of menstruating age, had periods in the past, and haven't been overdoing the exercise/sports thing, go see your gynocologist because something not good could be happening and the sooner you get it taken care of, the better. i have the same problem. i've had mine for 4 years and i haven't had one since may and i am a virgin as well. it might just be nothing or something could be out of whack. if it doesn't come this month then i suggest going to the doctor just to see what is wrong. .
ok u haven't ur period all summer, this is ur prob, but what the role of ur still virgin here, or ur prob is this that still u r virgin. go for chekup to ur doctor. more than 100 causes r mantioned in amnorrheoa. most common is anemia. Jump Around The Room Singing With Happiness!!
call the Dr., there could be a problem. ur just irregular. be happy that u didnt get it. call a doctor if ur really worried

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