I haven't gotten my spell even so?

i'm 13 and i haven't gotten my period. i'm not pregnant. and i'm just own been getting like white-ish discharge and it have been doing that a lot sometimes once surrounded by a great while i will very little blood but not very much

Gynecologist cross-question...please serve.!!?

That's completely run of the mill! The discharge means that your period should be coming soon! And don't verbs if all your friends have already gotten their period. Everyone is different. If you want, ask your mom or another female in your home when she got her 1st period. Most promising, you will follow her pattern. And as long as the discharge doesn't have a fishy smell to it, you don't enjoy a yeast infection.

Why would anyone EVER use an intrauterine device?

see your dr.
sounds like signs of a yeast infection.

What does a vagina look close to?

Cramping etc??
Hey girls I entail some help out!?
Heavy bleeding during UTI, Abnormal Periods?
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