I don't want to lift my BC pills anymore, what else can i do?

i just can't deal near the pills and what they are doing to my body anymore, so other then condoms what else can we use that wont bother my body? is spermicide a good view? how affective is it? ive talked to my gyno but all she desires me to be on is the pill but wont tell me why. thanks!

Answers:    Find a different doctor if this one won't listen to your form concerns!

As well, there are chain methods besides condoms; Lea's Shield, the diaphragm, and cervical cap are all pretty significant especially if you combine them with periodic thriftiness (fertility awareness) and the use of condoms.

Spermicide is a good idea if it's self used with a condom. By itself, it's not reliable.

Your gyno probably wants you on a pill because it's a reliable method of birth control explicitly easy to take and doesn't interrupt sex contained by the same way that putting on a condom will.

I suggest the following: bargain to your gyno about trying a different pill, as different brands can have different effects on you. If a different pill doesn't work, you can try a diaphragm that fits over your cervix near extra spermicide, or condoms (they offer protection against STD's also!). You may also be able to try an IUD.

If you're not getting anywhere next to your gyno, it's okay to switch to another one..
Spermicide alone isn't completely effective. You're supposed to use it with condoms.

However, at hand are lots of other b/c methods out there that don't involve taking a pill every day. You could try a patch that you wear or they hold shots you get like once every 3 months (or longer) and in that are things like the Nuva ring and diaphragm that are inserted. And there's an IUD as well, although I wouldn't suggest that, as it can hold a lot of bad side effects.

I will speak that if your gyno won't give you other suggestions, then you have need of to find a gyno that will listen to you and tell you what other things are out there, so that you can find what's best for you..
Ask your doctor in the region of NuvaRing, my friend who has had some horrid experiences next to the pill in many brands is on it and really loves it i have heard alot of really great things something like it. There is also the patch, i have a distant friend who uses that, she loves it.also there is the shot, but i own not heard as good of things something like the shot, i have heard that sometimes it can raison d`??tre infertility problems and make you gain tons of weight.so in attendance are options out there perchance you should change your doctor if you feel she/he is not giving you fruitless service, choose your doctor wisely you choose the doctor you are the one paying them so don't settle for less.

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i found this final one very informative of all of the option.
You need to be persistent. If you do not want to be on the pill you want to insist on getting off of it, or see another doctor who WILL listen to your concerns.

Please do not get the depo provera shot.

Try the nuvaring or the patch instead.

Your doctor should recommend you of all your options and consent to you select what is best for you. Maybe you should seek another doctor, one that works for their patient. Remember your insurance pays thier wages.
I would voice try the nuvaring. Go to nuvaring.com to research it for yourself. It is convenient and works as well if not better than the pill.
Good luck

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