I get the impression similar to crying right immediately exact I am curvy, I can't facilitate it I am not trying to be dramatic or anything?

Ok, so my stupid Science teacher brought in a clamber for our 7th grade assignment. We are supposed to discover how much we weigh on different planets. It just so happen last week I went to the doctors because of my cough and they weigh me. I weigh 160 pounds WITH all my clothes and shoes on. So i I already knew how much i weigh I felt I was plump even though my doctor said I was a perfect counterbalance for my body (I'm 5'5 BTW). SO i decided against going on the scale. And I saw adjectives these popular, preppy girls going on the scale and they weighed 100 pounds! None of them (except for one who be a big athlete) weighed MORE than 110 pounds! And all the other guys who go up weighed 90-120 pounds. And one guy who is WAY taller than we weighed 130 pounds! I grain so fat now, even though my friends are truism I am no where near chubby I still feel like it. And my doctor and my nurse said I am at a nutritious weight, but could they be lying? Help I feel so objectionable, ugly and fat!

If you step to planned motherhood to ask for a positive type of birth control pill, do they afford it to you?

Before you categorized your self as flabby, perhaps may consider this. A fat personality means he/she has a chunk of fat below his/her chin, both side of his/her hips (When pressed it, you'll understand what I mean), a chuck of fat on the groin (Above the lower pubic hair) and flabby thighs. If you hold that, meaning you are fat but if purely at a minimal amount then you shouldn't b worry at adjectives. Many people have a big size body but not podgy. Why? It's because they have a larger and bigger bone frame. When they go on the weigning mount, yes... they are heavy but not ecause of the fat but it's because of their bones.

For you at 5'5 and 160 Pounds = 72.5kg, yes... you perchance at the "Big Size" category but you must see for yourself have a big bone frame or not.

Gas nouns pills?

don't listen to her/him, you are at a healthy weightiness, don't be influenced by those PREPS. [i'm 15] i was bulimic for a short time because of those stupid, skinny preps, and it be bad. i'm at a "normal" weight but i still get the impression fat. its normal to touch that way when comparing yourself to those people. i'm glad you approved against getting weighed. =] i'm proud darling.hey you are TALL compared to me. be confident within that.

What could this be?

Most of us have weight issues especially when we compare ourselves beside our age mates. I suggest you dry up those tears because stress is gonna cause you serious problems.
You should aim this drama within a positive way. aim to eat robust food and and to do moderate exercise daily as part of your natural life and in the meantime Focus on the usual teenage things by enjoy your youth. You will thank yourself later.

Thoughts on Breast concession?

ok well im 14 5'7" and 126 pounds. we have to be weighed in p.e. and i cogitate i was the heaviest one there, but trust me, im not margarine. maybe you should put some pictures up because you can never tell if someone is oil by their weight because of muscle.

To self conscience?

Aw, well I'm sorry that you perceive that way. =( You just hold to not let it get to you. I bet not everyone within your grade weighs that little, plus i.e. only a few people within your class. Your not the only one that feels similar to that at times.

Help, I am emotionaly out of whack!?

You arn't fat u could just be big boned and stuff, I own a friend who weighs 170 and she is no where in close proximity fat!!Your the right size for u.ur not to big or to fat!ur ideal!

I own tubular breasts, its making me really down comfort!?

I am sorry you are feeling so terrible in the order of yourself!

You have youth on your side so it should be fairly glib for you to trim down a bit. When you are ready to make a modify, talk to a trusted adult to assistance you set up a healthy eating and hustle and bustle plan. Try not to compare yourself to other girls, its only going to make you grain worse. Everyone is different. Everyones bodies are different. Some people are naturally slim, others tend to be a bit bigger. Don't overpower yourself up.

Disturbing Question?

dont listen to the first IDIOT who responded i dont think your even if theres a posibility you are who cares!! skinny doesnt equal pretty ive see ppl even models who are skinny and uglier than ugly!! and my sister for instance she has be a little chubby and nows shes pregnant and i bet you can guess shes huge with that little one belly hehe but she beautiful!! and plus skinny girls got nodda i should i know im flat as a board... guys curves =] whichi dont much of lol body freight doesnt matter cuz i bet you those preppy girls will look ugly cuz im sur ethey wear sort up it doesnt matter how much you weigh only how much your heart does!! so dont freak! im sure your exquisite the way you are!!

Diarreah and time of year? =[?

don't listen to the first answer, he is a total A*S*S hole! he's full of crap. those girls, the one who are the "popular, preppy girls" are probably athletes and have super elevated metabolisms and are naturally like that. Under a hundred pounds when you're 13 is extremely wan! 160 pounds is a very healthy weightiness for your height and age and your doctors and nurses would never lie to you around what a healthy weight is.! their living is to tell you the truth about your vigour, so why would they lie to you. you aren't fat at adjectives. you are no where near obese. take a step back within the mirror, and list all your positive intrinsic worth. do your hair pretty, wear your best makeup and your favorite outfit. bring your self confidence up a little bit.
honestly, please, please, please don't listen to the first answer because everything he said is BS... he's purely trying to make you feel doomed to failure, and you are not fat.
! i'm sure you're beautiful-- you know why i'm sure?
because everybody is beautiful contained by their own way.

Please lend a hand me next to this?

i weigh almost that too girl dont worry im sure your fine but it would sustain if u included ur size too im 5'7 and am a size 8. But seriouslly who cares about those skinny girls seriously some of them are gona gain consignment in 7th grade i weighd 100lbs and im contained by 10th now so dont worry ur a short time ago a early bloomer. and who cares what othe rpeople deliberate

also their is no way i would get on a enormity infront of my class either i dont blame you

What does it connote when a man looks at you resembling this?

hun, if it makes you perceive better, i'm 15 years old, 5'11'', and 180 lbs. and it's not changing.

don't get the impression too bad about it. if it's REALLY bugging you, newly tell yourself, "okay, so i might've made some bad choices in advance in life. but i'll trademark good ones from now on."

try to gross a concious effort to eat right, and bring involved in a sport if you can! trust me, even if you HATE it, it helps alot. i basically joined our marching leash and badminton team and i lost 20 lbs. in a year (200-180, yippee!) lately from that.

and above all, don't get discouraged. be positive with what you look like, but vote "i look good now, but i could look great." don't tolerate those stupid preps get you down. you gotta learn how to concord with them. they don't get any better contained by high school.

appropriate luck!! keep us posted.

My boobs??

Uh, sorry but your uh...Fat. I am 13 and weigh 98 pounds. My cousin is 16 and weighs 112. And she is 5'4. Yeah, they're lying. Sorry I don't want to pull the wool over your eyes and say "Your beautiful they method you" TO THE PEOPLES whO THUMBED MEH DOWN: DOES THE TRUTH BURN TO MUCH? 200 POUNDS IS TOO MUCH FOR AN ADULT AND SHE IS STILL GROWNING Edit: To the person who commented about me: Well, I'm sorry I don't get through Big Mac's everyday and not do much like some kids. You say some population have high-metobolisms yet I'm lying truism I am 90 pounds. Humm, maybe the combo of being vigorous, eating well, excersizing, and good-metabolism allows me to be skinny? I chomp through more after I am full, I don't starve myself. She's "Naturally" Larger, I'm "Naturally" Skinnier.

Is it a STD?

Birth control.?
HELP! can a girl capture pregnant even if there's no access?
IUD press.?
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