I of late took five ibuprofens and four acetominofens...should i be worried?
should i get my stomach pumped? gah idk if i should be alarmed or not.
i prolly shouldnt.
should i?
Why do I bleed every time my husband i do stuff together ?
If you JUST just did it, run up to the bathroom and make yourself throw up.If you are sensation suicidal, call the emergency room and go very soon. You may have a brain hiccup(chemical imbalance).
Well... If you aren't puking your guts up by the time you read this, I'd call a doctor and ask them. You enjoy NO idea what kind of weaken you WILL do to your stomach and digestive tract when you do something like this. You will get raw ulcers, ruin the lining of your stomach, possibly own to take meds for the rest of your life, burn the facing of your esophegous from puking (if it's a usual occurance), and even poison your blood, leading to passing out and possibly passing. Get help? My guess is, if you feel approaching you should get pumped, do it. That thought is there for a drive.
No. It takes alot more than that to OD on over the counter pain killer. If your stomach starts hurting (feels like its burning or stabbing pain) you need to turn to the doctor. You'll probably be fine but just to be on the safe side progress eat something with bread surrounded by it and stay awake for awhile. The bread will absorb some of the medicine and release it slower which will enjoy less of an affect on you. Stay awake just to be undamaging and if you start feeling wierd in any agency you should go to the ER. Those medicines aren't gonna slay you in 5 minutes or even an hr and the ODs are really easy to fix don't verbs too much but def don't do that again.
I get the feeling you are newly looking for attention and did not really do what you have claimed. If you have, you have need of to call poison control immediatly and get to the hospital. Obviously, since you stated you don't know 'why' you did, you stipulation to get some help. Whether it be for suicidal appointments or issues regarding wanting attention - its obvious some assistance is necessary.
Go get your stomache pumped right in a minute! It is extrememly extrememly dangerous to mix medications unless prescribed to you. You should be awfully worried! Never do that stuff again it could ruin your liver if you keep doing it!
Embarresing quiz.18 or elder proceed please?
BE VERY AFRAID. Never take more than the recommended does of prescription or over the counter medicine. You need to call 911 and achieve to the ER soon. I am surprised that you have not fainted already. What hold you done is very ignorant and markedly dangerous.depends on ur immunity to it, if you do it normally..like daily next no but if u only take these for agony everyonce in a while then you def obligation to get help.promptly it only takes so much for u to miss out!
uhhh yeah, call your poision controll center right now or connect near their oporater and have them connect you immediately!!
Too much cervical fluid, what could this be?
you didn't unequivocally overdose, just call the ER and ask if you should travel in.Breakthrew bleeding...not bright to bc?
You should be at the hospital, not on womenanswers.org.Is it true that if you hit your breasts you win breast cancer?
over dose..yes, get your stomach pumped.
yes you should shift get your stomach pumped.
I involve to know if my clit can gain its sensitivity hindmost?
Depends... did you take them adjectives at the same time? How old are you, how much do you weigh..?On average, how much blood is lost during a single interval?
You OVER DOSED!budge to ER
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