Yeast infection?

i missed my period this month, but i am not pregnant.
i read that there is usually an increase within yeast production due to the menstral hormones, but usually gets washed away next to the blood cycle.
now i sometimes have that ichy impression downstairs just before my time of year starts...
so my missed period is due to diet change and stress...but since the itch purely started should me period just downfall up late or is this something else?


Is this conventional??

It may be a yeast build up! No worries, take some aciophilous (probiotic). Keep them surrounded by the fridge. It's the same bacteria contained by yogurt, the good bacteria that your vagina wishes to cleanse itself and fight off the fruitless bacteria. It will take a couple of days though 3-4. This is the single best route to combat a potential yeast infection
You could also do a yeast cleanse if this doesn;t work. No biggie, it comes in a kit you can procure them at your local health/nutrition store!
Then there's always monistat or other over the counters, but they're not good for you and it still take 3 days.

In relation to your period being unpaid, it just might be because of a yeast build up, yes. But if your period is usually adjectives over the place then I would say it's a coincidence.
Hope it help.

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need see a dr
Vaginal Yeast Infections - Topic OverviewProvided by:

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Other problems (like bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis) can mete out vaginal symptoms that may seem like a yeast infection. If you obligation help determining which problem you have, see the Check Your Symptoms wedge of the topic Vaginal Problems.

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What is a vaginal yeast infection?
A vaginal yeast infection means that too many yeast cell are growing in the vagina. These infections are very adjectives. Although they can bother you a lot, they are not usually serious. And treatment is simple.

What causes a vaginal yeast infection?
Most yeast infections are cause by a type of yeast called Candida albicans.

A healthy vagina have many bacteria and hardly any yeast cells. The most common germs, Lactobacillus acidophilus, help keep other organisms—like the yeast—under control.

When something happen to change the balance of these organisms, yeast can grow too much and raison d`être symptoms. Taking antibiotics sometimes causes this imbalance. The lofty estrogen levels caused by pregnancy or hormone replacement psychotherapy can also cause it. So can certain strength problems, like diabetes or HIV infection.

What are the symptoms?
A yeast infection causes itching or soreness contained by the vagina and sometimes causes pain or burning when you urinate or enjoy sex. Some women also have a white discharge that looks a little similar to cottage cheese and has no odor.

These symptoms are more likely to transpire during the week before your menstrual period.

How is a vaginal yeast infection diagnosed?
It’s effortless to guess wrong about a vaginal infection. See your doctor if you aren't sure what you have or if this is the first time you hold had these symptoms. Also see your doctor if you are pregnant. Your doctor may want to do a vaginal exam.

How is it treated?
If you have have a yeast infection before and can recognize the symptoms, and you aren't pregnant, you can treat yourself at home beside medicines you can buy without a prescription. You can use an antifungal cream or suppository that you put into your vagina or antifungal tablets that you swallow.

If your symptoms are mild, you may want to hang around to see if they clear up on their own.

Yeast infections are common during pregnancy. If you are pregnant, don't use medicine for a yeast infection lacking talking to your doctor first.

If you use a cream or suppository to treat the infection, don't depend on a condom or diaphragm for birth control. The oil contained by some medicines weakens latex, the substance often used to make these devices.

Many women own infections that come back. If you have more than four yeast infections contained by a year, see your doctor. He or she may do a test to make sure that your symptoms are individual caused by a yeast infection and not some other problem, such as diabetes.

Can vaginal yeast infections be prevented?
You can prevent yeast infections by making sure that your genital area stays as dry as possible and can “breathe.” For example:

Wear cotton, not nylon, underwear, and avoid tight-fitting pant and panty hose.
Change out of a wet swimsuit right away.
Avoid douches and feminine sprays, scented toilet tabloid, and deodorant tampons.
Frequently Asked Questions
Learning about vaginal yeast infections:
What is a vaginal yeast infection?
What causes it?
What are the symptoms?
What increases my risk of a vaginal yeast infection?
What else could be cause my symptoms?
When do I need to see a doctor?
Who is affected by vaginal yeast infections?

Being diagnosed:
How is a vaginal yeast infection diagnosed?

Getting treatment:
What treatment will I inevitability?
Is treatment different if I am pregnant?
Can I get another vaginal yeast infection?
Should I use a nonprescription medicine for a vaginal yeast infection?
What nonprescription medicine can I use?
Is there any other treatment?

Ongoing concerns:
Why do I keep getting vaginal yeast infections?
What can I do to prevent an infection?

Author: Amy Fackler, MA
Cynthia Tank Medical Review: Joy Melnikow, MD, MPH - Family Medicine
Kathleen Romito, MD - Family Medicine
Deborah A. Penava, BA, MD, FRCSC, MPH - Obstetrics and Gynecology
Last Updated: 07/20/2006
(c) 1995-2007, Healthwise, Incorporated, P.O. Box 1989, Boise, ID 83701. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

This information is not intended to replace the suggestion of a doctor. Healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make base on this information. For more information, click here. Privacy Policy. How this information was developed.

Additional Information
Bacterial Vaginosis - MedicationsBacterial Vaginosis - Symptoms
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