I am a 34 yr.behind the times married woman beside a 3 yr. outdated kid. I have gone to the gynocologist for a check-up..?

I had some urine infection problems. He had done a pap smear testing. The result showed highly inflammed. what does it mean? Now the doctor have again done the check-up and said it is very dirty inside, inflammed and swelling. he has asked to do a biospy and ect. what is it? please explain within detail.

When will i start should i cary pad?

Sounds bizarre... I would see another gynocologist for a second opinion... goodluck !

Am I Bisexual?

A pap can indeed indicate that a cervix is inflamed. You can sometimes have an infection or cervical erosion that will exact inflammation. You need to ask the doctor whether there be actually abnormal cell in the pap, and where he plans to do the biopsy.

It's not clear to me what he routine when he says it is "dirty" inside. Does he mean you own an infection? When you go back, ask for a clearer explanation.

I would suggest that you try to do your own research on the trellis, using a site such as http://www.webmd.com/, or http://www.youngwomenshealth.org/. Then you can ask the doctor more focused questions.

Uggh, serve?

this is not Cancer,they would of said "abnormal cell growth".Well done for have the pap smear..not an easy thing,i must pluck up the courage.He should not own said"very dirty"..this is not professional..but it would seem you may enjoy had some infection..like thrush,in that are all sorts..but you must ask the doctor in detail what he system..do not do anything you are not comfortable with.

if you want to talk...i own two children.

How much longer?

Only your doctor can explain that when your results come through. It's dangerous in some cases (in my opinion) to ask for serious medical related proposal on Y!A. No one here knows your medical history, and the majority of us aren't even doctors, so any advice that you return with could be inaccurate as well as dispense you false information that could worry you unduly. Stick with your doctor's warning and good luck

Should I be worried?

Don't come here looking for details as it could be many things, you involve to ask your doc!

Pap smears and UTI tests look for very different things, they are not related. And pap smears would not show an inflammation, thye are done to look for precipitate signs of cervical cancer. You should read a little about your own anatomy and strength.

What is this?should I shift to the doctor?


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