How to transmit if Girlfriend is masturbating?

Hello, my girlfriend told me during the springtime she experiences "Heat" such as animals. But anyway, so far we've had sex once every 2 weeks whereas in the winter it be once or twice a week if not more. I remember caressing her inner thighs and passion a heat radiating off of her crotch? i dont remember this previously. But it almost felt moist and on fire? As a masculine I had believed when the vagina felt this path she was extremely horny and wanted sex. Yet the funny piece is is she exorts no desire to have sex with me, its almost as if everythings fine and dandy. I notice white discharge as well from her vagina.

what im curious is, is she taking the matters into her own hand and doing masturbation instead of having sex with me? also,

minus asking her bluntly, how can i tell if shes been masturbating?? why is the vagina hot and discharge coming out? any answers will be appreciated

by the route shes 19 and im 24, and we both r located in south carolina not sure if locale mattersn

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Humans do not have an estrus cycle, so she is not literally going into "heat". However, profusely of humans do like to "mate" during springtime.

The reason you feel heat radiating from her crotch is that she was aroused. When a woman is sexually aroused, blood flow to her genitals increases, cause it to radiate heat and become "wet" (thus the white discharge) come from her vagina. The discharge serves as a lubricant during sexual intercourse, and her vagina is preparing itself for sex. It has nil to do with whether or not she is masturbating, because it is a natural body criticism.

Are you bothered by her masturbating? She might be doing it when you are not around. If she seems aroused but has no desire to hold sex, you might want to look into your sex life.

She might be bored with the lovemaking "routine" you guys own. Ask her about her sexual fantasies, or try introducing toys to spice things up. You could try new positions to spice things up. You could try planning a romantic evening. Try taking a bubble hip bath with candles and giving her a massage (buy some nice-smelling pat oil in advance) to win her in the mood.

It is difficult to tell whether a girl is masturbating. The lone clue I've noticed is dry cuticles and nail texture. If she have very dry cuticles and more "ridges" on one or two fingernails, those could be the fingers she masturbates with. This is because the vagina is slightly sharp, which can dry out the cuticles and wear away at the nails. Obviously this is not a telltale sign, basically a clue.

I hope I helped!

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. heat. a scream.

she is warm because she is alive.

discharge is normal and have nothing to do with horniness.

the merely way you can tell if she is masturbating is to ask her.

you own a lot to learn for a 24-year-old!

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she might hold been ejaculating.. females can do tht!

For the ladies please, obligation kindness?

ask her

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i would love to answer your cross-examine, but shortandsweet totally answered, im not seeking best answer at all, but she should get it! i never know that about the fingernails and the acidic good point of my girl parts, maybe thats why my nails r so dry?!?!? anyway, you should know how to ask her geniunely and not bluntly, maybe ask her to do it in front of you? if she seem liek she really gets into it and knows what shes doing it might be a fetish of hers? perchance a secret shame? to most women masterbating is a private time so she might not be willing to share it next to you, but if she does openly, youll find that it can be very erotic to scrutinize a girl do this for herself..
i wish i had bertter guidance other than "just ask her",
but that may be your best answer contained by itself..
good luck!

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