How locked is it to spray hose on womanly genitals to the point of experiencing an orgasm?


First time sex. How can I build her hurt smaller amount?

If it's only on the clitoris, there's not too much risk, but don't spray it inside your vagina. That can cause some problems. I've hear stories of weird problems like river getting into the uterus if the pressure is high enough, but the greater risk is contained by throwing off the pH of your vagina. The water can introduce microbes as well as wash away perfect bacteria. That can lead to an infection. You're better rotten just using your hands or buying a sex toy any from an online sex shop or a sex shop near you. You've gotta be 18 to do that, though.

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as long as it's just your clitoris. do not spray river into your vaginal opening. i work for urologists.

Ladies, Too Small?

There is no danger. Just tolerate the water do the work.

Endometriosis Symptoms...?

Don't spray inside, other than that it's amazing :-)

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