How long to hang around for a biopsy of my cervix?

Planned Parenthood just called & said my pap smear be abnormal, but they can't get me contained by for an appointment to do a biopsy for over a month. Is it OK to wait that long? Should I try to find a regular doctor and pay for an appointment to bring results sooner, or does it really matter?

Answers:    If this is the second pap that has returned phenomenal, then you should follow through with the biopsy. Abnormal cell change happen very slowly so a month isn't typically that long to skulk.

If however this is only your first abnormal return, consequently you should contact them about a repeat pap before they subject you to a colposcopy and biopsy (which can be anything from mildly discomfited to downright painful).

Call and speak to someone at the clinic and tell them that you'd like to be contacted within the event that an appointment slot opens up in the aim time (via a cancellation for example).
Personally I wouldn't wait, time can be your friend or your rival when it comes to your health.
And if a problem is found, your going to have to carry a regular doctor anyway. Just to get referrals to see other doctors. It may be zilch, and many times it is just that, nought. But is it worth taking that chance when it is your life.

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