How do i know...?

How do i know when to expect my period. I had my first one finishing month. I spotted from the 24th until the 30th and then on April 1st it got realllyy calorific. When should i start looking for it? Also is it possible that the pain i have be having im my side, down close to my back is cause by my period? Thanks!

The ultimate time I get my term be almost three years ago! What should I do?

If you're just starting your time you can expect it to be irregular at first. Mine took about 2 years to get on a regular 28 hours of daylight cycle, so always be prepared by having pad in your purse in shield you start unexpectedly. If the pain is only on one side or the other and comes in the order of two weeks before your period, it's ovulation pains. I've other had them. Cramps are all over within the lower abdomen and in the lower subsidise and legs.
I hope that helps.

Bump on clitoris...backing!?

hey hun, you should expect is about every 28 days. But when you are first starting out you could skip months at a time, i did! And its regular b/c ur starting out. Your body just has to become used to have your period each month! And the strain, i get the same. Ur fine hunny :)

Am I pregnant or is it menopause? I necessitate your aid!?

My interval comes 28-35 days since the beggining of my last period...It vary from woman to woman but I think that the average is 27-40 days. The pain u mention could b clearly b a period pain...If u verbs however why not go to a doctor??

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It usually happens 22-42 days after your first length for 3-7 days. But normally it would be about 29 days. When you seize to April 23 start carrying pads just surrounded by case.

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