My pee is resembling a greenish color?

i went to the bathroom like 20 min. ago and be green. I haven't eaten asparagus, 'cause that apparently turns your pee green or i haven't taken vitamins so idk what it could be. theres no way i could be pregnant..ima virgin.
i've be sick for about 2 days and im getting over it now. my insides hurt a bit. i hear that green pee can be from an organ failing... is that true?
i haven't eaten anything with dye surrounded by it or eaten or drank anything unusual or out of the ordinary. have anyone had this before? or do you know what it could be?


Birth controll?

First Rule.
Check it out near a doctor.
Possibly arrange an appointment.
ButIf You are in a lot of aching I would call your doctor for advice,
Or if it is horrific dull pain the last resort is hospital.
You are probably just worrying yourself. :-)

Question for women onlyyyy! shavingg your...?

You are desiccated. Drink at least 6 glasses of river over the next 12 hours or so and you'll be fine. If it gets sensitive go to the Docs

Please READ! -?

If you own unprotected sex 4days until that time your spell,and next bring back ur time of year 4days following can u still be preggo?
Really? Wet Dreams?
What happen?
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