How Come when I'm on My Period and I win into a shower or tub it stops??
A sex query for the ladies...?
When you are menstruating blood is not continually discharged from your uterus and the minimal amount specifically discharged is being washed away beside the waterAfter interval i get a jelly substance?
I can't say I've have experience because I am a guy but I am sure it is just to do with the heat/steam your body will probably smoothly contract to it. I am sure you are happy that it does stop whilst you're having a shower/bath! Pity you cant lug that shower with you throughout the day!How much does the lighter natural life diet cost to do ??
idk, my guess would be pressure - when your within the bath anyway. Like you know how you can stick pencils in a ziplock shoulder bag filled with wet and the water won't leak? Like the hip bath water is acting like the pecil, stopping the flow. idk...thats my guess.imm not exactly sure but it also does that someitmes when your surrounded by the ppoool. it slwos down =]
The pressure of the water kind of delay it, but any change in the pressure will receive it come out REALLY fast.
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It is just something ur body does, resembling when u swim u don't have to use tampons but its the getting out part ethnic group are worried about... i don't really know how or why that happens but i am appreciative for any break from my period!:)I was asking alike question.. I think it's becuase of the heat in the shower and such and probably the opening closes.. capably.. it's just the way that the body functions..
Weird periodd? whats going on?
my friend who dives alot told me that it temperarily stops for give or take a few 10 minutes in the water.DOeSs BiiirtHH CoNtrol take home Ur BOOBS bigger?? ughh?
I focus becuase if it goes it-stuff and go contained by and you're body just works like that..How do you shave peubic fleece?
im not sure but the exact same entity happens to meIS it safe and sound to skip the unused pills when on birth control?
It doesn't stop; it just get washed away while you're happen to me 2.I don't think it stops, i just go away with the water.
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