After term i get a jelly substance?
Ok am confused... First of all am really sorry if am saying things within detail. But I need help. I have my period for a total of 13 days am very regular and i usually end between 5-7 days. The last four days of my period be very strange i was bleeding brown. I have intercourse on day 13. I felt a strange sensation inside as if i had a bagie with jelly i cleaned my self and sure satisfactory it was a jelly substance of course next to the sperm. After this day actually that same dark i've been relasing a jelly substance its not the cervical mucus that we all own before period. I only dont know what it means and my budget is very low right very soon to see a doctor. Also i been feeling markedly nauseous and tired...
Answers: After a Total Abd. Hysterectomy, Do I still call for to see my GYN once a year for an exam? I know I asked but?
It sounds like I don`t know you were pregnant. This sounds like something that could surface during a miscarriage.
Ladies: How much chocolate do you require while pmsing every month?
go to a free clinic
Cant put a tampon within -girls one and only?
In your assessment...?
When did you first use a tampon?Thinking of doing the 'walk for life'?
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