How can i gain cargo??

im underweight and i dnt no what to do?:( plz help!!
every one including girls..teasing me adjectives da time:(

Bloating? How grasp rid of it?

Try exercising.. Muscle adds the 'good' kind of shipment. It will make a little more bulky, and also it keep you healthy.

Avoid lots of junk food.. drinking carbs will helps. Breads, pastas, etc. Some people are a short time ago naturally think, and hold a high metabolism (which many race are jealous of! lol), but talking to your regular doctor give or take a few how to keep the weight on is a smart entry to do. They can explain to you more in depth good ways to gain more consignment in a healthy approach.

Good luck!

PS - Don't feel bad for empire who tease you. Everyone one is different, I am sure they all hold their own flaws. They wouldn't like it very much if inhabitants teased them about it ;)

Small lump on cervix?

my guess is your a if that is correct u need to sign on a gym and big muscle... u can do it in as easy as six weeks if u see yourself.. u need to eat plenty of proteins. also if u drink three bottles of ensure plus shakes per daytime u will definitely put on weight!

I want him to ask me out... <3 <3?

try to get through more carbs. don't pig out, just try to have for a while more fatty things each day, little by little. also drinking a lot of junk food if you're emotion it.

I a moment ago scratched my nipple?

Stop throwing up after you eat.

Why does a great deal of sex bring me to be sore and not competent to do it again for days?

I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM (oops caps lock) but i own tryed all the things listed btw i am EXTREEMLEYYYYY underneath weight

Do women's vagina's ever bring tight again after childbirth?

that is exactly how i am, even tho i get through all the time..!

I get my time of year just about 2 years ago, and i haven't have one surrounded by 4 months, is nearby anything wrong?

i am underwieght lots of rime cream

Sore breast from not breast feed. HELP!?


Shaving rotten my tresses?

eat more meat so u can be a garbage disposer!

What does it tight-fisted if a 10 year outmoded girl missed her interval?

Menstrual cycle Problem?
I forgot my birth control friday and saturday...?
Im freaking out! what is it?
  • I hold a milky white creamy discharge during intercourse. But no smell, and I've be tested.?
  • I'm response tired adjectives the time. I only have my thyoird check out and that be average so I'm wondering what else

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