Help next to mestural cramps!?!?!?

they hurt sooo bad and what can i do that eases the anguish besides takign meds or with them
just to oblige ease the pain cuz the meds arent working completley

Answers:    I obtain those too but when i have my period. I almost died one hours of darkness.
1.Lay downand when you wake up from sleeping they are gone.
2. Watch Tv.
3.Don't think roughly speaking them at all.
4. Try to go to the bathroom.
5. Try and lug a Midol or Advil.
If you are experiencing symptoms of menstrual cramps, it's important to see your doctor to be properly diagnosed.

Although certain inherent remedies show some promise, there hasn't been satisfactory research at this point to conclude they're effective. Here are some of the more popular organic remedies for menstrual cramps.

Magnesium, acupressure, omega-3 fatty acids, low-fat diet, vitamin E, vitamin B1, heat (such as a heat pack, heat up bath/shower), aromatherapy, massage, calcium, chiropractic exercise or you could go to the chemist and ask them for something for the headache if none of the above-mentioned helps.

I would recommend that if painful cramps during your interval is so bad that it interferes with your on a daily basis activities or causes you to miss work/school because of it, that you patently see your doctor/gynaecologist for further evaluation as painful periods can sometimes be cause by conditions such as endometriosis which can sometimes cause severe pain from an untimely age (although the pain typically gets worse as the disease does more injury with each monthly cycle). Other cause can include fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease and sometimes a narrowing of the cervix (using all these conditions as examples only).

Hope this helps. Good luck :).
Besides taking meds? I find that doing some form of exercise usually help (I know that's the last thing you want to do when you're have period pains but trust me, it does work!) Besides that, resting with a hot wet bottle on your stomach works quite well too.
But you might want to consider taking some nature of painkiller when it's at it's worst - it's not worth suffering through something that can easily be fixed beside a pill. If the one's you're on right now don't work, keep looking.
Speaking of pills, are you on any characteristics of contraception? Both me and my mother were started on the contraceptive pill in our teens initially to aid with our crippling period pains. It might be worth looking into, even if you're not have sex because it really does make it a whole lot easier and smaller quantity painful. .
it could be that the pills you are taking simply aren't strong enough. i've taken over the counter stuff for pains i own with cramps and even headaches, but they aren't strong plenty so i get a prescription from the doctor. (taking one pill over 5 makes it easier, trust me).

if you don't want to up your dosage, or perceive that is necessary, intake chocolate always eases my cramps for some basis. though it only helps when i'm if truth be told eating the chocolate and doesn't help once i'm done, it's a transient relief. as well as bananas :)

hope this help!.
Try putting a hot water bottle on the part specifically a bit under your tummy. Or use something that give past its sell-by date heat and put it there. This will temporarily make less burdensome the pain. Also ask your doctor to prescribe you some kind of medication for the cramps. Or get birth control pills. Ibuprofen is best for cramps. I found that taking gas x also helped. It can oblige to lay on your back and put your knees on your chest..
Drink warm tea, pocket a warm shower, put a heating pack on your stomache. Avoid bitter foods/ drinks. heating pads work for me.

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