Four months overdue?
i am four months over due for my period. ending time i had it it last for 2 months. yes i bleed for two months. doc gave me pills to stop bleeding and she said everything will progress back to typical. but it hasnt im slightly worried. i am still a virgin i just havent have my period. whats wrong next to me? and should i go to the doctor? relief me!
Answers: I'd recommened going to the doctor. How old are you? It's adjectives for younger girls to have their period come and go. If you're not a 'younger girl' it could be several things... you might be stressed from work, arts school, family, etc. and it could greatly well bottleneck your period. Have you lost/gained weightiness lately? That can also be a sign. I once lost my period for 6 months when I lost substance... Of course stressing over not having your spell could be a factor right there. Go to your doctor she'll know how to figure it out and backing you. This is very adjectives with women, so try not verbs!
go see an ob-gyn for your irregular bleeding- prob involve a stronger med
Yes, go support to the doctor. Very likely nearby is some sort of hormone imbalance going on, and you should own it checked.
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Please girls endow with me suggestion :'(?
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Please dont find me because I'm truely panicky for her! So please be nice!?