Help Me!! Girls just plz

im worried that my vagina is too big and that my new boyfriend will think so when i sleep beside him... how do you know if it is too big and how can u make it smaller??

Answers:    too big?? you cant make it smaller... sorry.
You can try Kegel exercises since they cause the vagina muscles tighter. If you do them everyday you should see a difference in a couple of weeks. But if you're talking just about your labia's being to big they have a surgery for that but that's totally unnecessary. Guys don't perfectionism about how big or small they are.

To do the Kegel exercises first you have to find your pelvic muscles. To trade name sure you know how to contract your pelvic floor muscles, try to stop the flow of urine while you're going to the bathroom. If you succeed, you've got the basic move.

Once you've identified your pelvic floor muscles, hollow your bladder and sit or lie down. Then:

-Contract your pelvic floor muscles.
-Hold the contraction for three seconds next relax for three seconds.
-Repeat 10 times.
-Once you've perfected three-second muscle contractions, try it for four second at a time, alternating muscle contractions with a four-second rest period.
-Work up to keeping the muscles contracted for 10 second at a time, relaxing for 10 seconds between contractions.

To get the maximum benefit, focus on tightening lone your pelvic floor muscles or isolating your pelvic floor muscles. Be careful not to flex the muscles in your belly, thighs or buttocks. Also, try not to hold your breath. Just relax, breathe freely and focus on tightening the muscles around your vagina and rectum..
You can't physically make it smaller, but the company pure romance (google it) sells a product call "Like a Virgin". A friend of mine swears by it. Apparently it's topical and it causes the walls of your vagina to swell. The effects last for approximately 24hrs. The with the sole purpose thing is that if you use it, then you also enjoy to use lube because it blocks you from making it naturally. I've never tried it myself, but if you're really that concerned about it, conceivably it's worth a shot. Although, then you're going to have to use it everytime if you want to maintain up the charade. My advice is just be yourself, guys don't attention to detail that much. And if he does, then you tell him to bring back over it. okay i COMPLETLY UNDERSTAND WHAT YOUR GOING THROUGH I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM!!
but just go to google and look up inner labias and outter and it will show you adjectives types of labias which is your inner lips!
but i totally was embarressed i thought my boyfriend would be growsed out but when within in the mood they dont pay attention and plus in a minute im comfortable with my boyfriend and i tell him i dont approaching how mies is and he thinks there everyday which they are its jus YOU ARE Uncomfortable and you feel embaressed so thats why! but honestly guys wont notice it virtuous luck

i can't believe this. i am a women with 4 kids. vaginal walls are meant to stretch AND contract. use your kegle muscles to verbs the walls in. practice when sitting or especially when peeing. it could be a fun exercise alone or with your partner. A vagina is a vagina to a boy..
hmmmm idk;... it's impossible to net it smaller. i think guys like it bigger..
You cant be paid it smaller. I never heard of a vagina being big,Well this is a first lol.
Don't be so self-concious. He'll newly be glad that you have a vagina. It's worse when it's smaller..
ask your boyfriend to make his dick bigger nopee. you cant take home it smaller
i bet its not as big as you think
. WHAT? Be happy beside what god gave you...if he isn't a loser then he won't keeping. There is no way to make it "smaller".

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