Haven't have my time of year within a year...does this receive me smaller number predictable to enjoy kids?

i am 14 years old and suffer from eating problems. i am 5'4'' and currently weigh just about 97 lbs as to my previous 77 lbs. the docs want me at around 110. but even so, why hasn't my period returned yet? i touch so disgusted at how fast i have in reality gained this weight. i enjoy gained it all contained by my stomach. will it eventually spread out? and will my period ever return? have i done much if any injure to my health? i used to be 142lbs. i need back and i don't know my purpose in life anymore. is it true that everyone have some level of depression? sorry to anyone who is trying to answer this question right in a minute because i am asking so much. itis just that i am so confused at this point and i wonder if it is just me or is everyone at some plane of dissapointment and stress in their lives. how do i go give or take a few enjoying it? what is my purpose? thanks to adjectives...

My fiancee and I have sex in need a condom and he pulled out, after I have a clumpy discharge. Normal?

our periods start when we are reach 115lbs (usually around 11 or so). it's at that solidity when the body can start to afford to lose important nutrients through our blood.
since you're underweight, you have stopped your spell, because weight wise - you're a child. you're body can't afford to lose any blood because it desires all the nutrients for its own functioning.
once you reach that 110 sitting duck, you might start to see your period returning.

the best way to capture in shape is to not starve yourself (coming from an unbiased, non judgemental point of view), but fairly to exercise a little bit every day.
a short time ago 20 minutes of some physical activity that makes you sweat will hang on to you in shape.

your purpose right now is to be a kid. you're still young-looking. enjoy your young years because you'll never receive them back.
if you spend all your time worrying almost your weight, your whole go will pass you by and you would have missed out on the best parts.
other remember that there are people out nearby that love you and care for you, even i - a random human being from the internet, care.
start doing things you love, go out, own fun, dance, start playing an instrument, learn how to play soccer, swim, paint, draw, unify a scrabble league...

just start to do things to help you from worrying nearly your weight and start living! :)

Women w/ IUD's?

Probably. A good book to read give or take a few women's bodies and cycles is Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler.

As for the depression, the only thing that help me when I get severely depressed (I used to when I was younger and since my son died 2 years ago.) is run to Jesus honey. I don't know what works for others but that's what works for me.

Here's a site that I purely googled for you. It may help with your specific problem.

Help, period are really chance!!?

because you own lost a lot of weight specifically probably why you lost your period because of lack of nutrition. your 14 so you will swot to love your body more whe you get older. also as you find older your body will change more. you might go and get a little taller and your stomach will flatten out. and if not you will receive used to it. your used to being 77 pounds and looking so skinny that now that your purchase weight back it looks sick to you one and only because you arent used to it. to others you look healthier and dont worry your spell will return soon enough. if not, see a doctor if it worrys you that much.

when i be 13 i had an eating disorder. i weigh 68 pounds at my lowest. i look at pictures now and im so disgusted that i thougt i looked good. presently im 17 im 5'3" and 112 pounds. im very happy next to my body but also very active. start running regularly and you will get the impression like you are losing weight but still hold a healthy appearence. trust me. thats what helped me be mre confident

I meditate im going to narrate my mom...warning?

Recurrant thrush?
I have a yeast infection, and immediately something when I urine it smells odd? Is that commonplace of chance?
Period and sex?
  • I do not hav regular period its lyk may be within 5 mnths or more i m nt involve surrounded by any physical amusement wat 2do

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