Has individual one tried or is using..??!!??!Women please minister to?

Im debating on using a birth control called Implanon.
-My main interview is has anyone used this, and did you like it or not?

-I use to receive the depo and loved it but i was thinking of trying this one instead cause its 3 years instead of once every 3 months. Im not honourable with keeping up with pills and the vulva ring, patch, and option bone looking like one i dont entirely trust, but supposidly this one has be around for a long time (or the info dvd my OBGYN gave me said it has be used and around for quiet a while)

--Im not here to hear anyones opinion on why they dont regard people should use birthcontrol or anything along those lines, I just want to know "from those who own used it", did you like it or did you get it removed after trying it?

-Side effects i know roughly and all the stuff on their main page i know and enjoy read, i just want to know personally from those who enjoy used it, how did you like it compared to other birth control if you tried others or how did u like it term

I want to finger myself?

i got the implanon after i had my daughter i absolutly loved it as it basically goes in your arm and you do not hold to worry about it for three years and it is totally reliable...the lone side affect that i had was for a while weight gain but thats easy to catch under control with exercise and a proper diet.i am on my second one in a minute and still love best of all no periods for almost 4 and partially years yay!

Hmmm I don't know what to speak to this.?

i dont like birth control

thats not fair to da kid explanation u hav sex its gonna b born nd u kill it dats sad

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