Gynecologist appt on first morning of extent?

i have to go to the gynecologist tm to find checked out becasue i think i have a yeast infection but i start my time tm (im on the pill so its always on time for me).. i didnt devise of it when the appt was made and i cant cancel it becuase its not approaching its an annual exam or anything and i really need to know whats going on down there. will they still see me if im starting my interval? will it mess anything up?

A really speedy interview roughly speaking pms?

Call the office. Each office have a different policy, and depending on the tests scheduled to be run, your spell may or may not affect the results. Just call up the office and report them your situation, as its not too much trouble for them to reschedule if necessary.
Good Luck

Ladies sustain plz plz plz plz :(?

as you are on the pill you can skip the sugar pills (period time) and start taking the first hormone pill on your next strip.
Search the pattern, alot of people do this when the are on holidays and due for a period or if they acquire very heavy or bloody periods - they skip them. I did this for years (had a period once every 4-5 months or so) and i turned out fine. I enjoy three children with no complications in getting pregnant.
Search it on the computer, vivacity is better when you safely skip your period.
Good luck
by the opening, yes it will muck testing up. Blood will be in the opening of any infection mucas there may be

Vagina problems?

Well if they are checking for a yeast infection, they will give you a pap, so they will obligation to check you out down there. Some doctors have different policies on that, but if you are bleeding heavily, most imagined, they will ask you to reschedule. It will be hard to get an accurate culture try-out done if there is blood mixed in near the sample to test. If you are tremendously light, it should be okay. Even if they don't take a culture question paper, they still need to look inside you, so if there is blood surrounded by the way, they won't be able to see clearly. Again, if you are thoroughly light, I think you will be okay to shift.

Whats going on?

If your going to investigate a yeast infection, then having vaginal bleeding as powerfully should not mess up the results. OB/GYNE's deal with vaginal bleeding adjectives the time, so it shouldn't be a big deal. If you have any question you should ask your doctor.

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