Girls merely , i don't conjecture guys would know how to answer this.

ok, ill be 15 in three months and i haven't gotten my time yet. last aug. (2007) i go for my check up and the doctor said i should get it by the end of this year. i own had this dischange for a little over 2 years. my mom get her period when she was 16. i am getting my 2008 check up tomarrow. is nearby anything i should ask the doctor. can anyone predict why i haven't gotten it yet and when i will. thank you.

Answers:    Each woman's body develops differently and at a different rate. Chances are there is absolutly nil wrong with you at all... your body is of late developing slower. Believe me, enjoy not having it while you can. Good luck hun!.
Although your getting close, not have your period yet isn't exact for concern, especially if your mom got it later. I get mine when I was 11, my friend didn't get hers until she be 15. Everyone's different, and no one can accurately predict when a girl will get her time. My guess is by the time you turn 17, you will start. If you have any questions in the order of getting your period, your doctor is an appropriate person to ask. However, I wouldn't hold a panic attack in the bureau because you haven't started yet. It is normal. i wouldn'tt verbs about it. More than likely you'll capture in with surrounded by the next two years (at leas)t if your mom got hers at 16. . . .as for the discharge it depends on what color it is, if it have an odor andif you've been sexually active. Some girls will own a discharge before they ever start there length. . . . .but just relax and believe me your period is zilch to look forward to..
Sorry, but this isn't something you can predict. You just have to permit nature run it's course and if you stress about it you will hindrance it even more. So you should not worry about it and it will come. Enjoy this time while you can. Your length is not as fun as you may think.

I hope I helped!.
I wouldn't verbs about it. You can mention it to your Dr. Unless you are very, exceedingly athletic it will show up in due time. If you are very athletic & hold a lot of muscle then it might not show up till you gain some immensity. But I sure wouldn't want to rush it. It is not a fun thing anyway. There's no way to predict, everybody is different, and believe it or not, some race reach menarche earlier than others, beside white being last.

Genetics is a big factor. If your mother started behind time, it's likely that you will too.

Trust your doctor. You're normal..
At your physical you should procure the genitals checked if you are really concerned. Otherwise I would just wait another and by next if no period have your genitals checked. They may be capable of predict better with a PAP smear i got it at 15. and if you mom get it late then its s perfect chance you will too. my mom was worried roughly me and did a blood test for anemia and and a thyroid problem. maybe you should do indistinguishable..
Ever girl is different I've heard people starting when they be 16 years old I myself started when I was 11 years weak and discharge is normal every woman has one You will most possible get it around the age your mom did.Your doctor will tell you everything.To prepare for it i suggest this website,
very well sometimes girls get their period around the time the mother get maybe thats y. Dont worry in the order of it, its normal to still not have it for some family. It will come eventually..
I wouldn't get too concerned. My sister did not start hers until she was 16. I started mine at age 10. So it vary from person to person. some associates get theres up to there 17th birthday don't verbs :) x

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