Girls assist...untimely time of year.

I'm fourteen and i started my periods when i was 12 but they enjoy never been regular sometimes they will come then sometimes i will shift 6 months without one. When i do get them they are usually prevailing conditions to heavy range. final month i had a period starting on the 19th and finished on the 23rd. in a minute its the 9th and i have seemed to own started to have another (light) one except the blood is brown (not normal for me)
i am still a virgin and enjoy no idea what could be causing this give a hand!

Answers:    You're still young and your body is adjusting to growth spurts, hormonal fluctuations as all right as your daily stress and eating traditions. I say go make conversation to your mom or another trust adult woman and if she isn't able to serve you then go to the doctor. .
don't verbs my periods are WEIRD.

I had brown blood and i thought exactly approaching you! I was like WTF this is not common!! I never have brown blood and i got so terrified!

But it was just VERY VERY VERY LIGHT blood , contained by the week it gradually became bigger and redder so no worries!!

If you do procure worrie WORRIED then i would consult it with your doctor.

Good luck!.
it's probably everyday...i started when I was 11 and mine didn't become more regular until i was 15 or 16. I remember I would dance 6 months without one too and then the subsequent one would be early. If it doesn't settle down within a few years, later it's a problem. Going six months without your period isn't mundane. Ask a doctor. It might seem scary and embarassing, but when it comes to your vigour, it's just best to get over the embarassment. Besides, they know what they're doing. It's their living. :).
There probably isn't anything wrong, lots of people have irregular period. But it can put a role on your hormones so you might need to see a doctor and they might prescribe you birth control to help allege your hormones. I know that when you first start your period that for a while your period will be irregular. That sounds really irregular going short one for 6 months. I recomend you going to the doctor..
Your still young so you're body is still going through changes. It will eventually capture on a normal cycle and you'll know when to expect it. For now you might want to consult a doctor. You a moment ago happened to be one of the girls who is very irregular. You doctor can set you up next to birth control to regulate and control your periods. Consult with your parent and your doctor. .
have irregular periods when you're young is totally common. However if you do have question or concerns you should make an appt with your gynecologist and speech to them. sometimes the first day or so will be like that administer it a few days it is normal..
you defiantly should ask your doctor around that

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