Girlfriends length skiving?

my grilfriend hasent had a period contained by months we havent had sex we do fool around a bit but nothing serious that could bring her to be pregnant do you know what it could be?

What do women infer around masturbating?

I've had this before and have it before I'd had my first boyfriend.

It can be cause by so many things other than pregnancy, such as metamorphose of diet, too much weight loss, stress, tiredness.

Basically anything can affect someones period. I usually find that varying my diet can mess up the cycle.

If she was six weeks pregnant she would probably would have notice symptoms by now.

She should go to the Doctors though, because it can be cause by an illness (nothing bad!) or an infection (which does not enjoy to be sexually transmitted)

Don't worry, I highly doubt she is pregnant, but let somebody know her to get checked to rule out anything else.

How can I..?

Many things can cause amenorrhea. Severe solidity loss can cause not having a spell. Which may or may not be seriousl If she is underweight because she is a gymnast, dancer, runner, etc. she may not have a period because her body feel she is too small to carry a child. Some girls who are anorexic do not get a spell. If she is underweight no period is a good indicator or something serious, I don`t know even overexercising. Also, some birth controls can cause women not to have a time. Other things like ovarian cysts and some STI's can cause amenorrhea. Has she said whether this have happened before? If she is young-looking her periods just may own not regulated yet. If she was regular and have missed more than 2-3 periods she should probably see a gyne. to see whats going on. Good luck!

Craving milk and enjoy be for around a week very soon?

Is she very skinny? Sometimes if a girl is underweight, her period will stop. Also, maybe she naturally have an irregular cycle. If I stop taking birth control, my period will be absent for MONTHS, and I won't be pregnant.

She should see a doctor to sort sure everything is normal. Also, when you do decide to hold sex, make sure you use a condom, please!

Has anyone have trouble while using Implanon ?

It could be a physical problem that a doctor needs to check her out for or it could be that she's not unfolding you that she's on a type of birth control pill that limits a woman's periods to singular a few times per year. If you love her, encourage her to get checked out.

How do you know if you are a virgin?

She should see a doctor. It is not run of the mill not to have a period. Amenorrhea (the clinical residence for absence of menses) can be a sign of a problem other than pregnancy. She could be have extremely long cycles.

Girls solitary please?

she should go to the doc...there are a few things that can mete out amenorrhea (absence of period). Overexercise, or malnutritian for one. (And I have to ask, could she be preg with another guy?) Or possibly "problems.Why hasn't she be to the clinic or GYN?

I whant to know what im i gonna own subsequent a boy or girl?

is she normally regular? because for some girls it is just average for their bodies to not have a period every month or to enjoy any type of schedule for periods...

I enjoy problems orgasming..?

Hormones fluctuate cause periods to be missed/irregular. This also can be caused by stress. A lot of women rob birth control pills to help regulate their periods.


Fooled around how?? Pre *** can still take her pregnant!!
Like rubbing the penis against the vagina and semen comes out. It's clear and sticky.

Was it TSS?

depends on wht kinda fooling around mayb u should buy her a test and if nothing after she should go to the doctors to get check mayb she could enjoy a serious problem

Hymen modernization cost?

It could be serious maybe not, you should tell her to travel to a doctor

Pleasee assist me?

Well...Tell her to go see a doctor

I WANT bigger boobs help out??

I don't know, She needs to walk to the doctor in there

Girls who aren't virgins individual?

I don`t know she's stressed out?? i know that can cause you to skip...other than that i'm not sure..sorry!

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