Girlfriend and gynecologist ?

my girlfriend has problems going to the gynecologist because she always feel like she has be "violated" afterwards. i dont know what thats like but she says that after her call on today she is not ever going back to one ever. she is going off her birth control which is massively important for us. she is saying its fine we will never own sex again even after marrage some day and she doesnt need doctors.

she is usetting me deeply by saying this. what can i say or do??? give a hand me please.

Answers:    You might not want to help her like you want to, because you're a guy and she can't natter to you about it in a mode that you'll be able to relate to it. It's obviously not a bleak thing, you just don't dance to the Gyno. It is true, you do feel a bit violated, but it shouldn't make you discomfited to the point that you shouldn't go. Not only does she entail to go for birth control, but to make sure she's fine. I think you should ask her to talk to any her mom, a family member, a close girl friend, or even her Gyno. It's critical to her health that she goes. Maybe she's really merely not comfortable with her doctor. She can switch to another. .
i think it's pretty demeaning to walk to a gynecologist as well. it's a lot resembling going to a doctor for a prostate's especially hard for a woman if the doctor is a man.

something you can try is find a feminine doctor and when she has her visits you can sit within the room with her so she feels sheltered.

As for birth control pills, they are unhealthy and can give your girlfriend cancer. it's apt she got off them. only just use another form of contraception, like a diaphragm and spermicidal gel..
Well, it took me until my after I turned 30 to have a masculine gyno. They just made me uncomfortable. Could that be the problem? Is her gyno manly?

It's quite possible that there's something else wrong... It may not be the doctor at all. It could be that she found out she have an STD and is embarrassed to admit that to you. It could be that she's disconcerted to answer all the 'prying' questions that doctors are trained to routinely asked because she's have an active sex life. And, possibly, she takes offense to some of the questions asked because she's not super influential.
Give her some time to cool off before discussion about it again. Let her deal next to her personal demons in her own way for immediately. .
I don't blame you for for feeling upset. She needs counseling. I'm a guy, so I don't totally know what it's close to, but I also feel a little violated myself whenever I hold a physical - However, part of being a flippin' grown-up is to adopt that you have to sometimes do things that are a little unpleasant contained by life to preserve your good vigour.

She needs the counseling because she's talking within absolutes. Not healthy if she's at adjectives serious..
Well, she needs to find a different gynecologist. This has nil to do with birth control in the long run. This is a examination that could save her life. If her gyn made her mortified, she needs to find another one. AND if gyno exam made her feel discomfited and violated, wait'll her OB gets ahold of her when she gets pregnant. two things- if she isnt going to a feminine gyno- she should. Second, she should find a new one- and do it by interviewing them. During the interview/discussion she should talk roughly the issue and how she feels- likely adjustments surrounded by approach based on how your girlfriend is feeling will help- doomed to failure idea to go minus either gynelogical check ups or sex(especially for you :)) .
If she ended up pregnant she will see the gynecologist every month. And after a little one comes out that thing you feel much more violated than when the dr. looks up here!! Better just to do the every 2 year thing. Thats what you can detail her. what she has gone mad. If you guys are have sex right now she just said she is never going to again? what within gods name! perchance she doesn't like you anymore and she is looking for an excuse to break up.. it would be messed up but its possible..
It sounds a little strange. Has she ever be a victim of a rape and maybe not hold dealt with it emotionally? Give her a couple of days next try to talk to her about. See if you can hear near the real problem is.

Good Luck!.
WOAHHH! ur girlfriend is going over board. maybe shes a lesbian, and is trying to return with you to break up with her.
or she could be testing you to see if you really meticulousness about her or if you are just surrounded by it for the sex
either way ..SUCKS. sorry bud.
right to be heard if shes not willing to put forward the effort than how can she expect you to put forward the stab to your relationship, its a two way street

what happens from near is up to your willingness on both parts.
She's just frustrated and blowing stale some steam.

She'll probably feel differently in a few days when it have time to settle. .
Don't pressure her into anything. Just try to comfort her. She'll probably get over it sooner or later, in recent times be patient. Gynecologist visits stress out closely of women. all you care just about is sex you sick bastard, you don't even care about how your girlfriend feel...
Ask why she is like that! well if u have to spread ur legs for a stranger and let them feel around on u afterwards u would feel a lil violated yourself.. i mean dang.. i told my bf adjectives they did when i went a couple of weeks ago to get my B.C and he said " dang even i grain violated and it didnt even happen to me!"
u have to construe where she is coming from but seriously it cant be that bad.. in recent times let her clam down.. and talk to her roughly it..
and if ur upset jus cuz she said she is gettin off bc which means no sex for you than conceivably u should htink about her in this situation and not a moment ago urself.. its not all about u.. she is the one have to take a pill everyday.. she is the one having to verbs about pregnancy.. if she gets prego zilch happens to u. u jus got a permanant attachment to her for the rest of ur energy..
jusy let her calm down after talk to her.. and try to understand where on earth she is coming from.

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