Blood and cramping over a week after time of year..?

it's kind of yuckie blood.. not spots but gross..

had term over a week ago.. what could this be?

i'm on birth control (have been for a year) but have never have this before.. i am also 'active'


Answers:    Go see your doctor. Especially if this hasn't happen before. .
It is called breakthru bleeding. Sorta gummy brown and somewhat gooey (soory readers)? Requires a pad, not a tampon?

Make sure you have not forgotten a pill. If it stops, no biggie. If you do not hold your period at the end of your pill pack, appropriate a test. If you continue to enjoy the inbetween your cycle and it is troublesome, call your doc and tell her what is going on. She may change your dose to stop it.

Breakthrus happen when you do something as little as cart your pill at a different time of the day. .
I had some incidents myself. I would miss a month next next month I bleed for about 3 weeks! It is not natural and you can lose alot of iron. There are many factors: might be a menstrual disorder, hormones... It can also be a hemorrage so save your legs upand try to relax. But nevertheless, go to your doctor to get the right common sense. idk really u cood juss b behind on ur period...thats happin to me earlier...or u cood b prego...i think u shood takethe test..idk y u havent nonetheless..i wooda alredyy...i think u r...but yeh the signs of preoness is ur nipples hurt,ur boobs get bigger,u discern like ur period is cumin,u hold crampin in ur lower abdobmin,u get really tired, u can get hold of alot of hedaches.i kno becuz im 33 weeks soo...i remember it wast that long ago i went through wat ur goin through soo. gewd luk.
your perfectly fine, i know it sounds wierd but enjoy sex, it relieves the pain of cramping or try and find a drug called valume (duno how to spell it but it works wonders). This is exactly what happen to my sister a few months ago. She saw her gyno and he changed her birth control from the patch to the ring. After that, no problems. .
Make a doctor's appointment. im a guy i dont know either srry if i was a girl i would relieve but im not so agian srry
Babys going to be coming. LOl. doctor girly yaya!.
um well sweetie all i can share you is go see your doctor they know more than the people on here see a doctor speedily.
i think its normal ask ur mom to be sure

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