Done near hormonal birth control, what do you suggest?
I was on the pill for several years and now own had a Mirena IUD for 2 years and in those two years enjoy developed severe acne and gained 50 pounds. I'm DONE! I've decided to own the IUD removed and I'm thinking we will use condoms. I don't want to do hormonal birth control any more because of the side effects, I don't want the copper IUD because of the side effects and diaphram/sponges give me the willies (the idea of sticking my finger inside myself grosses me out). So, what do you out nearby suggest? Do you think condoms without spermicide is OK since it can be irritating if I also examine my cycle and do not have sex during my fertile times? I'd appreciate input but please, nothing rude. I do present out Best Answers!!
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condoms and VCF (Vaginal Contraceptive Film) you can use that with or without condoms. i've used them and it's sudden, you just insert it before intercourse. i dont resembling being on hormonal birth control either. we also use the verbs out method. but that can be messy. Good Luck!
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