Another wierd dream but GRLS ONLY PLZ?
what does this meen?
Answers: Probably simply means that you've been thinking something like periods alot lately and sometimes we end up dreaming nearly whatever has be on our minds.
Im worried im pregnant, please relief?
Im going to geuss that you havent used tampons very much and you dont like using them? You also own you boyfriend on your mind, did somthing happen between you too?hunny,
everyone dreams of weird things. from what ive hear your dreams happen because its the last things you chew over about before bed. i dont infer anything is wrong with it or to be worryed about
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What are th 5 theories on the pathogenesis of endometriosis?
What can i do almost my mane? i'm not going shiny on top but my fleece keep falling.or my principal is sheding?