First time one week ago?

i had sex for the first time about a week ago.
and very soon i feel discomfort down there when i budge to the toilet. like for a pee.
and it stings. it feels close to a cut or something like that. im not sure. he was fairly rough with me.
also i have be having a strange discharge in my knickers. but i know im not have my period because its much too soon.
is it possible that i am pregnant?

Hi tyra can you please comfort me i'have a stretch grades emma?

it's possible you are pregnant - as it's always possible if you don't use a condom.. subsequent time - for sure use a condom.

you could have a UTI - if you are constantly feeling the urdge to pee but when you be in motion 1. it's very painful and 2. you pee amazingly little.. this is most likely the case. your regular primary can take care of this and they're super adjectives so you shouldn't feel embarrassed.

if the discharge continues or change in any way (color, consistency) or starts to smell REALLY BAD - you should turn to your gynocologist. that way you don't have to verbs.

Breast Pain!!?

I doubt you are pregnant, but you could be.

Discharge is common following sex, especially the first few times.

Discomfort is also common after inauguration to have sex. It's possible you could have obtain a cut in there, contained by which case, it'll heal like greased lightning, so try to be patient. If it's not a cut, it could be a urinary tract infection that you'd need to see a doctor around.

If the pain continues, see a doctor.

What sort of article will give a hand?

Your probably not pregnant. Since it was your first time he probably stretched you out for a time. A discharge and a stinging feeling could possibly mean an STD. It sounds close to you were proabably having unprotected sex because you suppose you might be pregnant. You should get checked ASAP if this continues. And remember some STD's never go away so subsequent you might want to consider using protection.

What could be wrong near me?

It could be a urinary tract infection... Many women get them after sex =) Drink plenty of fluids and go to your doctor, he'll supply you antibiotics - they pass pretty quickly. It's nil to worry about... The majority of race you know will have had it within their life time.

The discharge is normal too.

Good luck x x

Fem only----Cant. Have. O.?

pregnant if semen be released inside your body with no protection. he was rough so he might own torn u but u should heal soon. discharge always common. everyone gets that. give it another week and if your still surrounded by pain. talk to your mom or another trusted womanly adult

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