Is it possible to lose 10lbs within 4 weeks ?

Im 15 i weigh 187lbs and im around 5ft 9 to 5ft 10. I'm a medium frame build.

Im a bit chunky and i wanan get slimmer but not filmy if that makes i wanna bit of meat on me.

Ive currently made a plan starting tomorrow:

Breakfast: Wheatabix

Lunch : Pasta

Tea: what ever my mum give me.

Ill go for a 10min run everyday and do 10 mins worth of pressups and pushups and also weights.

Would this routine be able to do it.

would 10 be a striking amount of weight.
is it to little,if so how much should i lose.

Also how much is recommended weight for those around 5ft 9.

Answers:    Depends on your metabolism, but it is very possible, I lost 9 pounds in two weeks.

Here are some tips:

To lose one pound, you stipulation to burn 3500 excess calories, so in the next 30 days you will requirement to burn 35,000 calories, I suggest you only eat meat, fruits, and veggies, and you drink as much hose as possible. It's gonna be hard, but if you are determined you will suceed, (cheesy)
Now it is different for everyone, but if you weight yourself every other sunshine, you will get an idea.

My suggestion is to do eliptical at the gym, if you don't own a gym membership, get the two week free elapse, which is perfect for you.

Write everything down, and do the math.
Studies show that makes you lose twice as much solidity, and bring music, or something that you can keep your mind on, so you don't get bored well.
your routine also works very well, I'm sure you would. For your height above sea level I would say about 130 pounds, but some race are heavy, not big but heavy, so whenever you touch like you look good, stop.
If you want to lose bulk, you do not have to do so much weight lifting. If I be you, I would run and bike for at least 30 minutes a day. And if you want to heave weights, don't do so much; remember, the stronger you get, the more you will weigh.

Also remember to eat wholesome, and eat dinner too, just skip the desserts!.
yes i ruminate it's possible, for someone your height a good run of the mill weight would be 150, i checked it out on a website, um i don't recommend u eat pasta though becuz those say u should avoid pastas and white bread if your trying to lose weight. Yea i deliberate it's possible to lose it in a month if u stay commited! i lost ten pounds last month.
Orr, u can cart the easy way out and starve yourself, approaching me!
no thats actually extrememly unhealthy, i'm ashamed to do it, but i'm desperate.
10 is possible but it may not be the healthiest entry. I would call your doctor and ask before going full tilt on a diet. There's a complex go together your body needs to maintain and it's not alike for anyone.

In any case I wish you luck!.
Don't focus so much on the amout of counterweight you will lose,, just start and you will notice the lbs coming bad... stay active and drink plenty of water until that time you and and in between meals... at your age the lbs will come bad quickly.. oh and by the way drink 3 servings of fruit per day.. good luck!! try not to guzzle so many carbs, some people feel not eating carbs is a craze but it works. you could probably lose 10lbs in a week and a partly, with a bit of exercise. .
Its really easy to loose counterweight if you have strong will power. Just exercise and dont over eat . But i wouldn't put away a lot of pasta: it has seriously of calories. yes it possible
just exercise a lot more and guzzle only vegis vitaims and healthy food surrounded by porportion.
10 pounds in a month is very possible! sure you couldlose 10 lbs contained by four weeks just watch what you chomp through and be safe doing it

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