Is bleeding after sex ordinary?

I am 15 years old, and I had not have my period yet. Last dark I had sex for the first time with my boyfriend. After the sex, I notice my boyfriend's bed had blood on it. I got home and I be still bleeding about an hour after the sex had happen. So I told my mom I had had my interval, she told me to wear a pad so I did. This morning I changed the pad and I am still bleeding. Is this blood really my term? Or does it happen for people's first time to bleed? Because my friend told me it was because my facing or something had tore. I'm nervous that there's something wrong beside me...The bleeding is spotting, but it's very consistant. I can't tell my mom I have sex, so I don't know what to do.

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Well when I first lost it, you could really tell the difference from breaking my hymen, and my period. The blood come from a different place, and it was a thicker color. I mean I don`t know it was just me, and I know my body and whats everyday for me, and I knew it wasnt my period. Im gonna guess it is your extent, because it shouldnt be constant for 2 days. Do you have any symptoms? Like cramps or bloating or anything. Those are good indicators of your time of year.
But only you will be able to truly know. If it doesnt stop soon, similar to if it goes on for a few more days then its unquestionably your period.
Good luck!

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Yes it is normal but not one and the same for everyone not everyone bleeds. I can't believe how many naive teenagers are sexually live nowadays...Anyhows we can't change days gone by I just hope that you used protection dear.

Sex... 2 question and i really want proposal!?

It could be from your first time,but it shouldnt be constant bleeding for that long..Some spotting or maybe a few hours of lasting blood..If your still bleeding tomorrow,I would tell your mom.

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yes either you have your first period, or you broke your hymen.

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