Could someone steep me contained by beside a bit more info nearly an operation I have when I be 8?

Hi everyone.

When I was 8, I got told that in attendance was a cyst on one of my ovaries, and it got removed within an operation with the ovary attached, so now I with the sole purpose have one ovary.

That's all I know, lamentably. Now that I have a bigger mental capacity, could someone possibly explain exactly what this be, i.e. was it major or minor, is this intermittent or common, etc?

Thanks in credit - sorry if I sound stupid! xxx

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it's not rare but it really isn't that adjectives .Mainly it means when your ready to enjoy kids. you are 50% less likely to capture pregnant. My teacher/friend has triedto have a tot for years but can't because one of her ovaries don't work. I'm sorry I'm sure in the long run this is really hard to hear

Why would they check kidneys for an ovarian cyst ultrasound??

You don't nouns stupid at all.
Ovarian tumors are frequent, and they can happen to little girls. They can be benign or malignant, it looks resembling the one you had was benign. There are greatly of different type of benign tumors. If the tumor is big or it's impossible to separate from the ovary, then the ovary is removed (your case).
Right now the high-status part is that you have one and only one ovary. This isn't going to be a big problem in terms of fertility, one ovary is plenty to get pregnant, but it's something you have to save in mind, in skin something else happens.

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The procedure that you had is call an "Oophorectomy"... weird word I know!

It is the surgical removal of an ovary. I wouldn't call it "rare" but for an 8 year behind the times yes, I think that is infrequent. This surgery is usually done on older women - for one reason or another - sometimes contained by conjuction with a hysterectomy. Sometimes for - just close to you there is a lesion or tumor on the ovary.

It is sort of a major surgery - within that you are put to sleep and an incision is made.

You are not stupid at all for wanting to know what happened to your body.

Hope that help. :-)

What is brest feed?

No, you don't sound stupid! :-) My mother, cousin, aunt, and a friend had an ovary removed due to a cyst. I would speak it's common because of my experience. As for type of surgery, it's considered to be major.

"Minor surgery is any invasive operative procedure within which only skin or mucus membranes and connective tissue is resected e.g. vascular cutdown for catheter placement, implanting pumps within subcutaneous tissue".

"Major surgery is any invasive operative procedure in which a more extensive resection is performed, e.g. a body cavity is enter, organs are removed, or normal anatomy is altered".

Hope this helps.

How do you verbs yourself down nearby??

If doctors granted to remove your ovary as well, I'm sure it was for your own benefit. Doctors come across cysts hugely often. Usually, they remove some tissue around it, when they remove it. They don't remove organs, unless they have to. They can not risk, maybe, development of another cyst on the same spot. It is not incredibly common but it is not very unusual too.

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Your doctor will have your records and will chitchat to you about it in confidence. Don't be dismayed to talk to him/her, you have every right to know.

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