Discharge examine?

i have this jelly like and smelly discharge stuff that i attain all the time...how can i get rid of this? please no doctor exact my mom must come with me being 14 and i can not pedal the embarassment. im making up a big lie to my boyfriend so he keeps away from in attendance for now (lol!). is there any over the counter or home remedies that i can do? can this ruin my probability of having kids? help! please no comments and merely help me with what im asking =).

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Glands inside your vagina and cervix generate small amounts of fluid. This fluid flows out of the vagina each day, carrying out antediluvian cells that have crinkly the vagina. This is your body's way of keeping your vagina healthy and verbs. The discharge is usually clear or milky and doesn't smell bad.

The color and thickness of the discharge redeploy with your monthly cycle. The discharge is thicker when you ovulate (when one of your ovaries releases an egg), when a woman is breastfeeding or when a woman is sexually excited.

Changes that may signal a problem include an increase in the amount of discharge, a adapt in the color or smell of the discharge, and irritation, itchiness or burning in or around your vagina. This is call vaginitis. A discharge that's stained with blood when you're not having your spell could also be a sign of a problem. Some other types of infections such as yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis can also cause discharge that is usually accompany by odor such as beer/yeast/fish.

I would recommend that if you have any of these signs or any concerns regarding this you consult next to your doctor for a proper diagnosis and for proper treatment should you have anything other than newly a normal vaginal discharge.

Good luck :)

Plan b pill?

Well I dont think that you enjoy much choice really to not see a doctor, without seeing the doctor its unsafe to take other things. You have need of to see them for them to determine what it is for sure.. Taking medications that aren't for what it is may do more damage consequently good... As for having kids unless its serious I doubt it will bother your likelihood.. It may just be an infection but you need to see your doctor first... Sit down near your mom and talk to her your 14 and this is something a little too personal to own her in the room for.

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this is normal ok, vagisil is really worthy you can get it in walmart or rite aid, its similar to $5, use the wipes also you can get the feminine deodorant spray its approaching $5 its really good. you spray it on your under wear, correct luck i hope it works. it worked for me.



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well a lot of associates will tell you to wash better down in attendance but in my believe over washing is much more poisonous than under washing.

when you wipe up to well you take away your body's correct bacteria and that leaves you with nil to fight off the germs

so use newly warm water for a few days that will also relief with the discomfort


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you cant get rid of it sweety. it's regular.

in fact you involve discharge, it is very important to awoman's body. it regularly cleans out the vagina. keep you healthy

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