Dad Period relief!?

Ok so I live with just my dad because my mum died when i be 10 im 14 now!
Anyways i just started my first interval last night and didnt enjoy any pads or tampons so i put some toilet paper contained by my underwear and went to bed (it was around 11:30) I woke up this morning and here was blood all over the sheets!! and my PJS! Im upset to tell my dad i have it!
I cant really notify any other family members grounds my whole family except my dad and me live surrounded by Nova Scotia (even my older brothers with their girlfriends!!)
Please its 9:12 here and my dads not reasonably up yet he will probabley be up in close to 20mins!!!

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Awww honey!
One of my best friends lives just near her dad cause her mum died from breast cancer 3years ago! (We are both 15)
When she started her period she be 13 and was so freaked out about unfolding her dad that she didnt tell him until the next daytime either because she was alarmed!
I told her she should tell her dad and that he would probably understand!
So he be sitting on the couch reading and she went in and sit beside him and said dad i need to tell you something!
and she said i started my extent last night and i dont hold any pads or tampons and stuff!
And he said hun why didnt you come tell me later night??
and he took her to the store and they bought like 10different types of pad and ten different types of tampons!! Until she figured out what kind she like the best!!
Trust me your dad will understand maybe write him a memo and put it in the bathroom or something for when he wakes up or I don`t know jsut go into his room now and transmit him if hes awake!
Good Luck hun everything will be okay!!

Girls solitary please?

i live with my dad 2 so i know what your goin through well surrounded by those 20 mins think of a speech 2 tell him , do verbs its not that bad tellin him . My dad just hugged me and told me not to verbs , he told me all i needed 2 no, and he go a book out the libary 2 backing me and he went with me 2 superdrug and asked 1 of the women 2 back us about tampons and pads . DONT WORRY he'll read between the lines it's not as bad as u think trust me

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You're probably going to hold to be the grown-up here. I don't expect you're worried because you know what it is, so all you have to speak is "Dad, I need some tampons/pads", and there's no need for it to be awkward for any of you.

He's not going to act strangely about it or anything. Your mum have them, so he'll probably know all about them.

You should probably dust your PJs and sheets yourself.

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Your period is a perfectly crude occurance that you will have to live with. Don't be feeling guilty.It will be a little bit uncomfortable but you will both seize through it. Your father is aware of the females monthly cycle and I am sure that he has been expecting the conversation that you involve to have with him.

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If you haven't already changed (Which you probably did) do so.

Your dad is elderly enough to be informed of the womenly process, for he married your mother and was most credible informed in school.

So travel ahead and tell him "I need pad," or tampons, whichever you think is more comfortable.

Yes, it's embarrassing, but it will be worth it.

Best of luck. <3

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same item happened to me except my mom died when i was 12. what works to gain blood out of clothes/sheets for me is to fill the bath tub up a lil bit next to cold water, rub bar soap on the stained nouns and let it sit. as for telling your father... unless you have a feeling like you can go down to the pharmacy by yourself and take pads yourself i'd ask your gfs or something. or lie and say-so you need money for X but use it for pads... do you enjoy a trusted neighbor?

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Oh no!

I know your embarrassed, but I think it's best to put in the picture your Dad straight up that you need to go buy some things at the store. If you get the impression uncomfortable telling him contained by person, write him a letter or e-mail.

If you own an older sibling or friend, maybe they could drive you? Maybe borrow some pad from a friend until you get the courage. You could even call a relations member you trust.

Sorry I'm not much help!

What could it be?

Make the bed so the stains are secret and hide ur PJs somewhere until you can wash them.

However i presume you might have to tell ur dad. Its embarassing definitly but every woman have it, its normal, and he should understand.
Maybe narrate him you have something to say but its embarassing and write it down. (when i hold to tell my parents something i dont want to, i write it).

I hope that helps, and apt luck to you hun! <3

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Thiss is a really difficult situation! i feel so sorry for you, isnt there anyone u can parley 2 about it or any mates who could give a hand you out? You either have to basically take a deep breath and influence "Dad this is a bit embarassing but..." or you could leave a note subsequent to his door so that you dont actually have to say-so anything to him. I know it sounds stupid but once your dad realises that can you can confide in him about something as embarassing as this, it could bring you closer as father and daughter. Good luck!

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Oh sweety please don't be afraid to let somebody know him, he knows all in the order of that stuff from being married to your Mom and I'm sure he'd feel really unpromising knowing you're afraid to tell him so go on merely do it, and if you just don't know what to say how around just printing this page out and handing it to him, OK, so step now, I'll wait here til you attain back :)

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First if you haven't done so change the sheets and your pj's. When your dad get up ask him if you can go to the store for a couple of minutes for "girl stuff" i am sure he will know what you are talking roughly speaking and wont ask any questions

congrats on becoming a women!

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Just tell him you necessitate to go to the store to pick up some girly stuff. I mean eventually he'll digit it out when he sees pads and tampons underneath the sink. And ask him if you can go in the store alone. While within there pink up some stain remover too and you can wash your sheets.

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There comes a time surrounded by life when you just hold to surrender. Swallow your pride. And say something.

This will be excellent character building for you. And you and your father will find along better after this.

Welcome to adulthood!

PS: Direct honesty wins adjectives battles.
Beating around the bush is tiring, and that's how you get into the habbit of lying. and lying sucks.

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He's bound to know it's coming so purely tell him, if you're honest and mature nearly it I'm sure it'll help him cope.
Bloody sheets isn't a problem, it happens to the best of us, so a short time ago explain that you're going to need some form of sanitary product.
Good luck! :o)

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If you really can't tell your dad. Ask a friend for some pad. But you really should just tell your is style of a uncomfortable subject but you'll feel path better if you tell him and he'll probably drive you out right then and in that to get some "materials" lol

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tell him hes yourt dad explain its tough for you to talk but you need his facilitate he will not get angry as its nature you enjoy to have a period and i ponder he will understand sorry to hear about your mum it must be easier said than done for you xxxxxxx goodluck

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you really need to tell him,, at your age he is probably expecting it,, put your sheets surrounded by to wash and then ask him for some money as you inevitability some personal items from the pharmacy,, he will understand what you mean.

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dont verbs i had to tell my dad first too!
u own to tell him eventually. just be resembling "Dad, I got my period. Can we step to the drugstore to get some tampons" he wont be like "ew, no" he will tkae u.

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your dad know tihs is going ot happen so will expect this talk sweetie. jsut put in the picture him you have started your period and requirement some pads. he will help you and dont verbs about it - its completely normal

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a moment ago tell him, you're gonna have to n he know it was obviously gonna start at some point so just say "dad i started my period" or something close to that.. good luck!

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you need to report to him he well understand except speak to one of your female teachers at college one way or the other he has to know for your condition .

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tell your dad the truth tell him that you own found out that you are young woman!

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put Ur sheets i the wash..
he will probably numeral it out himself...
and just tell him if ur really that humiliated right him a note.

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talk to him hun its clearly normal and nothing to be worried something like

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Leave a shopping list for him to see. Put pads on it, so he'll take the hint.

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ok, just unflustered down. its totally natural for this to happen. i remember when i first get my period ( i was approaching 12) i tried to hide it...but you cant. your a woman now and your going to requirement things like pads and tampons once a month atleast. do you hold a job? because if you do i recommend going to the store by yourself and picking out some pads. dont try for tampons however, youll just get freaked out. it will be ok. if you dont own some money, you may have to tell your dad around it...i know its not something thats easy to do, but maybe you can purely say 'dad, i need some money for pad ' he will get the picture and most likely wont want to pinch the conversation any further. good luck, and remember its nothing to touch ashamed about! your a woman, its natural!

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Honey, first bad congrats on stepping into the adult world. Next thing to do is to explain to Dad you need to go shopping for some must own items. And remember, your Dad was married to your mom and knows adjectives about periods. It is a raw part of life and he probably have been wondering himself when this would happen and how he would buy and sell with it. Maybe you can sneak him a note and video it on the bathroom mirror. My daughter asked her Dad about it at the supper table, what he knew in the order of it and such.we laughed and yes, he was to some extent embarrassed, but it was adjectives okay. I hope this goes well for you. In the meantime, perchance you could use some paper towels or something instead of toilet paper as that really doesn't do much. And wipe up your bedding and Pjs in cold water or at lowest possible soak them in cold water earlier washing. My heart goes out to you and I decision I was there to comfort you but I am sure your Dad will help you the best he can. Good luck!

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Believe it or not, but your father went through various period cycles with your mother prior to her endorsement away, and I'm sure he was sent on many behind night runs to buy feminine products when it happened. Regardless I'm exceptionally sorry that you lost your mother at such a young age.

This is a very greatly very normal process that he know you will go through. Don't be embarrased to speak to him about it. To be honest he really desires to know that you are going through this so he can help you start scheduling appointments with an OB/GYN you surface comfortable with. Even if he is uncomfortable conversation to you about this, he can still call and set an appointment near an OB/GYN to walk you through it and help you.

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hey. aargh, awkward, huh? blood will come out beside cold water so why not try putting your sheets in the wash machine, or if there's not enough time, try cleaning it up beside a wet cloth. then say aloud you spilled a glass of water over your PJs and sheets. why not bid a friend and ask them to bring over some pads or tampons, or else run on a walk to the corner shop to get some? markedly telling your dad would make this adjectives easier, but u seem very adament that this is not the best pick for you, so i respect that. hope this works out for you. good luck!

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TELL HIM, he's gone through sex ed and knows girls hold periods. You should have agree to him know last night so he could run out and acquire you some pads so you wouldn't get blood adjectives over the sheets. Now he's got to wash them.

So budge, tell him now.

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