Continuous bleeding?

okay my wife had a laparoscopic surgery done in january that determined she have endometriosis. the dr. put her on the pill and told her to take it continuously with out the placebo pills. trying to sort her not have her perios for 6 months to get rid of the endo. she is on her 3rd month of the pills immediately. 2 weeks ago she missed 2 of her pills and it made her start her period. that went on for 9 days afterwards stopped. then she started spotting pink again for 3days then it go to brown for 1 day now shes fund to pink blood that is starting to darken every day. ever since she missed those 2 days she have been on track with her pills every light of day. why is she still bleeding.?

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I was diagnosed with endometriosis ending year and told by my gyn to also take my birth control pills continuously without the placebo pills but I one and only take mine for 3 cycles and at the 4th cycle I'm supposed to have my term.

I experienced continuous breakthrough bleeding from the pill for 5 and a half weeks and when I saw my gyn because of this, he said that it was because the pill that I be on was too low in estrogen for my body to fiddle with and therefore causing a hormone inequity causing the continuous breakthrough bleeding. My gyn also told me that usually when a woman starts to experience continuous breakthrough bleeding on the pill that it is her body's way of truism that her body needs to have a time.

My gyn switched my pill to another brand that contains just a touch more estrogen and I'm on my 3rd pill pack already and haven't had any problems as far as any spotting or breakthrough bleeding.

I would recommend that you wife consults near her gyn and to let her gyn know what has be happening, it could be that her pill is too low in estrogen and cause a hormone imbalance. Her gyn will know what to do in her situation.

Good luck :)

My extent own be on for just about a week presently how do i acquire past its sell-by date my length for prom subsequent week?

Ah yes, I've be there myself! google her bc pill and see if it is one that is monophasic, if it's not, achieve her on a different pill that is. I take mine continuously but missing 2 can throw some women stale for more than a day or two. Her dr. is wrong about the bc pills getting rid of the endo-the pills can not cure her, they can just maybe help near her symptoms. I wish her luck!

How do u know how big your hymen is?

Get her back to the doctor. There could be a different problem.

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endo is a tricky sore yucky disease the problem with endo is that docs say the pill will return with rid of it and sometimes it does other times not so much, it never helped me or a couple of other girls I know. The period is unpredictable as a rule. Whether or not the skipping the pills is cause it. However, it could be a little of both. The skipping could have started the bleeding but due to disease it may own just thrown her off. Now as expected I'm not doctor and i can't be for use so this is from suffering about 10 years. Try some online support groups there are lost of ladies on nearby that have vasious experiences.


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