Can it mess up you ?
Answers: It cannot damage you at adjectives. Having sex during your period can actually HELP you! The orgasm created by sex can relieve your cramps!!.
i enjoy never heard of such a thing. don't verbs you'll be ok. next time you want to have sex on your extent, tale a shower with your partner, it slows down the blood flow tremendously. No, sex while your on your time will not damage you at all. Many women actively wish intercourse at this time, as long as both you are your partner are happy to do it, then it's without fault fine..
the only true danger here is if the sex is unprotected it can evacuate you open to infection due to the cervix being dilated slightly during your time, so good on the condom :) It's perfectly undamaging to have sex while on your period. Probably messy, but not detrimental. It will not injure you or the person you have sex near. .
It will NOT damage you!
Some judgemental people vote it will make you and the guy "unclean" in the eyes of doesn`t matter what diety... but really...
You'll be fine...
We always use the shower.
Certainly not :) x No, you're ok. And it's good that you used protection too. :-).
no, its better on your term!