First time protected sex, Late length, cynical pregnancy examination, what should I do?
I had protected (guy wore a condom) sex twice for the first time a few days after my last term and I anxiously waited for the end of the month to come and very soon that it has my period hasn't come. It be supposed to come 7 days ago today and two days ago I home tested and got a negative result. I'm going to question paper again on the 10th day but is there any explanation for the nonconformist, it may be stress because I was really really stressed about it to the point where on earth all I would do is sleep and not eat. Around the time my time was supposed to come he fingered me (a little rough but really good) and there be a tiny tiny amount of blood could that be from him or was that my period? Anything help I would just like to know if anyone have a similar experience can I be expecting it or will it just come next week or god forbid am i pregnant?
Answers: i would hang around 2 weeks and take another because it might have be a false pasitive. Make sure you get a good pregnancy interview to. .
im pretty sure you would realize if the condom broke... i highly doubt your pregant. but i had a upset my first few times too, and i didnt use protection. Condoms are good but try to get on birth control. because condoms do break and slip sour it happens. good luck