Bump/cyst underneath the skin?

i think i may have a sebacous cyst. i hold a bump about this big ( ) on my vagina skin. It hurt the first day i get it but now it doesent hurt at all its lower than the skin and its really red blistery kinda but its not a blister. its just really really red! oh and im only 14 , im a virgin never have sex or oral what could this be does it sound like herpes?

Birth control! YAZ? ACNE?

I have something similar when i was around that age to and I forgot about it until I only read what you wrote and yah mine went away on its own one day approaching some cyst do. It could just be a ingrown hair or pimple or something. You can distribute it time or if real worried have your gyno or a skin doc embezzle a look at it:) Good luck and take care, vne

#2 WHy doesn't coffe give support to beside cramps? People preserve proverb stay away from cafeine (I cant spell)?

I particularly suggest that you check it with the doctor. Sounds to me like pimples, but it could also be sore-skin, approaching herpes. Even if you are a virgin and never have sex, there are abundant ways that herpes or bacterial-diseases could get passed on, one is simply with your fingers if it's not verbs.

Again, go to a doctor and get it checked out. Most possible it's only a bacterial infection and you will have to purloin antibiotics. Also, do not wait another day for an appointment beside your doctor. Get it checked NOW before it gets worse.

Good luck.

Would it construct a nouns if i used cartridge to stick a wad on my panties?

GO tho the doctor and enjoy it checked out.herpes I think you can get it by saliva, for example, from drinking from a friends cup, or anyother way to exchange saliva, even using her lipstick (if the person is have an episode). If you want to see what genital herpes looks like, to see if your bumb can be herpes, simply search it surrounded by google Images...

The first time...?

thats called puss. when a white head shows up on it, squeeze it, and some whitish looking blood will come out. i have that too in my pits and my mom had to do it for me. it happen when you have bacteria and gross stuff. it's necessarily a giant pimple with gooey stuff in it. squeeze it near two fingers

What does that cramping during youe time of year get the impression similar to?

It could be adne. O.O

I know guys get zits in the bottom regions, pretty sure girls do to. I'm not positive, but it's a possibility.

I get a antenna bleed from going on Kingda ka. What do I do? My spinal nerves are bloodshed me as in good health...?

could be something as simple as an ingrown fleece. if it gets worse or wont go away see a dr.

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The pill . . . . .?

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I own some time question? (girls/woman individual please)?
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