Brown and red pinkish blood...AND LITTLE chunks?

Ok...I am on the BC pill and me and my boyfriend do have unprotected sex
for almost a week i've been wipe old blood and pink blood and also there have been little bitty chunks of brown stuff come along with it!
I dont know if this is purely old blood or cysts or what..


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Nothing to be to alarmed about, these are blood clots, your speaking of. Depending on the size of them you might want to consider going to the OB/GYN(they read aloud if they are bigger than a quarter size you need to get see by your doctor). This blood you speak of is also normal, but if they involve cramping? You could be pregnant, it is very possible. I would conspicuously suggest going to see your OB/GYN , no doubt about it.
These are concerns near your body, and nothing to wait on. Like I said nought to be to alarmed about, but it is definitely better to be locked than sorry. 'Cause if you are pregnant, don't you want to know? And if you are you'll want to stop taking the pill, it can bring birth defects, if taken to long during pregnancy.
If your not pregnant, you want to know what's causing the access bleeding. That could be from ROUGH SEX though...
So, please don't be to anxious, or scared just budge and get checked out. I've learned that over the years the longer you keep on to get checked on something the BIGGER the problem tends to catch.

Good Luck, and I'll be praying for you

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Do you use tampons?Check to make sure your vagina is empty.Some "chunks" are typical as they are the lining of your uterus. You may want to use a gentle vinagar and hose douche to rinse the old blood out and see if this helps.

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depends on how long you hold been on the pill.

Definitely get it checked out, or telephone your OBGYN. My friend had this when she just get off the pill, and just happen to immediately get pregnant.

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it sounds resembling it could be like old blood.But I'd find it checked out.Just to be on the safe side.because it could be a cyst.or even like an infection or something.

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