Bra Help Please Help !!

Hi ,
Basiicly i asked my mum for a bra and she said no !
i meen im 13teen ! im supposed to grow!
anyways so this is what happened . i went to a shop alone and get a bra it was so cool when i wore it fitted me exaclly i am a 32 aa and can fit in a 32a , but next i dont know how to tell my mum although if i dont tell her she will sayhow cums it look similar to your wearing a bra ! then ill be busted NOW WHAT !!


Answers:    Just notify her that when you were hangin out with your friends at the shopping precinct they were buying bras and you didn't want to feel gone out!.
You will be busted eventually. She's your mom, she pretty much has control of your life. In this casing, I think she did more wrong than you did. So when you get busted, speak about her why you did it anyway. Say that you felt insecure and you would have feel better if you wore a bra, so you went out and bought one to try it. If she's a good mom, she'll think through that you are ready for one. If not, then there's not a undamaged lot she can do about it. It's a very personal nouns, and its your body. Good luck! Hi there, I remember when I bloomed at an early age. My mother have no problem with it, she encouraged it. Not sure what the big operate is with your parent, she should accept the reality. There are many girls this day and age who hold large breasts at a very precipitate age; its from all the hormones and genetically modified foods we consume. I know if I didn't wear a bra or something to support my breasts my nipples would get sore! As least possible wear some support. If she doesn't like that your wearing a bra then too unpromising, it's life. Good luck. .
well if you NEED one consequently just tell her that. Tell what if she buys you a non pad one... or you could get one with not much lining and no under-wire. But just tell her you stipulation one and if she doesn't listen then oh well. Do your own clear up so she wont throw it out and keep it somewhere she won't throw it out... but unless your mom is right and you clearly don't need that caring of bra then w/e. You should at least be wearing a sports bra. Be for a moment rebelious. Who cares if she finds out your wearing a bra?? Your doing something good for your body. She desires to accept it, I say you sit her down and detail her that..
tell her your breasts hurt whn u run or walk and u needed a bra . simple as that ,,,,
adjectives gurls need a bra for that reason ,,,y is your mom sayin no to it ? approaching i said before go contained by a private place and show her your breast and tell her you got a bra.
Well, honey, your mom is probably have a hard time with the reality that you are now growing up. I would suggest (since apparently you bought the bra with your own money) that you explain to her that you are growing up and that you want to wear the bra for support. Explain to her that teenagers can be metallic and you don't want to be bouncing around if you don't have to even though you are an A or AA (I didn't know they made AA - I thought those were training bras..LOL).

Make sure that the subsequent bra you buy you are fitted properly for it. There should be someone that is a bra fitter in the department store that can method you so that you are buying the right size cause that is VERY critical. It'll be uncomfortable (especially cause you're a teen girl and anyone touching you within the breast area or vaginal area can be a bit humiliated until you get to your mid-20s..LOL), but you need to clear sure you are buying what is right for you.

Just tell your mom that you felt it be time and that even though you are growing up, you know you are still and always will be her little girl.

Good luck, honey!

P.S. If necessary, get hold of a trusted female adult to speak to her if you feel like she won't twig. Parents have a hard time listen to their kids sometimes. Trust me, I know. I'm 29 and my mom still doesn't listen to me on certain things cause she still see me as her baby...LOL.

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