My swollen Stomach..?

Okay, so a couple months ago i started taking this medicine for my heart. Around that time, my stomach start swelling close to, really bad. Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it doesnt.
So, we thought that it be my medicine, so i stopped taking that secure kind, and it stopped swelling for for a while while. Recently its started up again and i have no clue what could be wrong. It seriously looks close to im about 3 or 4 months pregnant.
have this happened to anyone? Do you know what could be wrong? I'm really starting to catch worried.

here's a link-

(yeah, i know its not the best picture, and no, im not sticking my stomach out, i have a unexpected looking

Answers:    It most likely is a side effect of the drug. Your entire body is one melodic thing. Everything effects everything else. I would be interested to know why you lug heart medicine and what could be done surrounded by lue of the medicine. I would inspire to educate yourself on your "condition"
OMG it looks similar to you are preggers. I think you call for to see a doctor ASAP.

EDIT: I mean I know you aren't, but you should be in motion see a doctor to make sure everything's ok. I am sure it is a moment ago a side effect but maybe you can obtain on a new medication foryour heart.
hunny i enjoy the same piece! lol it sucks. its the meds, but you might be pregnant. just pocket a test and see your dr. Do you own any other symptoms other than a short time ago bloating? I have experienced that myself from one sensitive to foods with wheat surrounded by them.
Could be.pregnancy, ascites (fluid), liver congestion, lotsa poop backed up if the drug and/or other conditions messed up your digestion. Could be parasites, tumors, or only just plain fat because the medication and/or other underlying conditions messed up your hormones (and if explicitly the problem, your ability to lose the substance will be messed up, too). You may have an underlying candida infection as resourcefully.

Use the doctor that is covered by your insurance to rule out pregnancy, kidney disease/ascites, and tumors. Don't agree to them intimidate you into thinking it is just hefty if you have a sensation it is something more. Get it checked out. You will probably need to find an different doctor (often not covered by insurance) to staple down endocrine issues and candida issues. Some are absolutely excellent.

If you own no blockage and aren't pregnant FOR SURE then doing a parasite and broad colon cleanse will probably do you a lot of pious. I recommend the programs at and the blessedherbs website. Taking care of those two problems is the starting place for getting well from other problems.some experts read aloud ALL other problems begin surrounded by the colon. But because the anti-parasite herbs can impair an unborn child, you absolutely must not do them if pregnant.

Healing diets to consider as you build this journey:

Raw or big Raw diets - The Hallelujah Diet is a partially unprocessed program. Give It To Me Raw blog site will have an excess of helpful folks to direct you to resources.

The Body Ecology Diet, by Donna Gates
Excellent if you want to balance and restore to health your inner ecosystem

Biobalancing, by Rudolf Wiley - an important resource if you find that in that isn't any diet that seems to work for you. Some population actually requirement to vary their diet across their menses or even during the morning to achieve optimum harmonize. An organization that have refined his work even further and is have a lot of nouns is:
Pfeiffer Treatment Center (PTC) Health Research Institute Home
An outpatient clinic dedicated to assisting children and adults beside biochemical imbalances through nutrient psychoanalysis.

Any book by Norman Walker.

Good Luck!

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