Baby powder on underarms?

Let's just get to the point... I sweat, plentifully.
I sweat even in the winter, no matter how much deodorant i apply.

I saw some answers on here suggesting Baby Powder. Does it really sustain? And when would i apply it (ie: before deodorant, as a deodorant, after a shower...).

Also, are there any types of deodorant, or anything else, you'd suggest that would minister to someone like me in this situation?

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Doesn't nouns like a very pious idea, might clog up your pores or something, defiantly stick to a deeply good deodrant, try sure for women, 24 hours of freshness ;-) If you are sweating so much you might have some description of medical condition, go to the doctor just within case.

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My sister swears by using roll on, then kid powder and then spray, waiting a bit and then roll on, toddler powder and spray again.

This what she does when she goes clubbing.

You then own protection against smell and dampness

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when u shower shave under arms. when u win out just put a little surreptitious on there and some baby powder over it. also u can mix newborn powder and oil and just put that on arm pit

Would this hurt (1-10)?

If you sweat that discouraging instead of getting just a deodorant, you should try getting an antiperpraint

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Here is some info (its from an answer I gave to a similar grill a while back)

there is a product called Certain-dry and Dry Sol which I infer you apply only at night perchance for only a few days or maybe a week and its supposed to end for a short while before you apply again... not sure exactly if I am right on how it works.

there is also a product call Sweat Block that you apply once a week.

you might be able to use these on other areas of the body like if you enjoy excessive sweating on the hands but I am not sure.

if your sweating is not controllable by these then in attendance is something called "Drionic" which they have underarm version or hand/feet versions. You have to do I reflect on 2 half hour sessions and depending on if you do it on low or high you enjoy to do it for 7-8 hours total or double that on low. This is supposed to stop sweating for up to 6 weeks at a time. It stings when you use it but once you are used to it I guess its not that bad by what my uncle told me (he uses it with great success). Your underams will be red when first using it until you gain used to it. But once you get through the treatments it will go support normal after some days. My uncle said this is the best thing he have ever tried as it stops his excessive sweating (he even sweat a lot during winter when it was snowing)

also, if you don't want to walk this route and your excessive sweating is on your underarms, there are underarm guards you can place on your clothing that absorb the sweat and prevent those armpit raining circles some people get.

in that is

it says its not see-thru but if you are wearing a t-shirt you can see "something" there... they may not know its the underarm pad... but you can always wear a very diaphanous undershirt with the sweat pad attached afterwards your regular t-shirt or any other top over that.

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