Average breast size?

What is the average cup size on a 17 year old girl? I know everyone is different, but is there an average?

Answers:    I hold a 15 year old friend that is a 32 A. And another one is a B 36
I'd articulate B 36, it doesn't really matter though! .
Average is whatever size you are.

Girls your age can be anywhere from a 30AAA to a 40L.

You grow into your mid 20's.

Oh and it doesn't issue if you are "fat" or "skinny"... I see skinny girls have HUGE breasts and fat girls hold TINY breasts...

And its not all about inheritance either. My family chronological and present were all B's and small C's and I concluded up a J cup.

What size are you?.
There's really no exact average size of it.. It depends on your body, if you're fat, then you'll hold bigger ones but if you're skinny and petite, there's a tendency that it's not that big.. Or check your family history.. that'll surely help.. x I mean there is no average... EVERYONE IS ALL OVER THE PLACE... Im sixteen and contained by a A cup. and my best friend is 15 in a C... another friend is 16 and in a D. no average it a short time ago depends on what genes you have really..
i would assume a c cup. like i am 12 and surrounded by a b. so im goig to be in a d by the time in 9th status. every one is different There is no average. As you said, everyone's different..
Not really, everyone is different. But most girls are around a C cup. I don't think that there is an average...sorry.

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