All the boys surrounded by my neiborhood saw my boobs please minister to!

i was swiming in a poolhe other time and there were close to all the boys in the neiborhood they be mostly my age and some of them were in my class so anyway i dived into the hose down and my bikini top fell of and my boobs showed then all the boys be like staring i got a towel from adjoining and covered my self but im so emberresd cause when i went outside the other sunshine some of the boys were walking and they told me hey carla nice boobs...
how can i make everyone forget
this isnt my information its for my friend she let me use it
im 13 and the boys were similar to 13, 14, and 15
im so shhy now

Answers:    The quickest way to construct them forget, or at least drop it, is to just deed like nothing happen. If they make another comment just read out 'thanks' like it doesn't bother you in the lowest possible. Trust me, if you look all embarrassed just about it when you're out they'll keep it up much longer.

And.if you need something to formulate yourself feel better, just guess, you gave those boys the best thrill they've had adjectives year!!.
What you need to not make a big promise of it. If the guys know it bothers you...they will keep on picking on you about it. Just work like it was no big matter and when they say something about it...basically let it go. Don't try to form a comment back. It will just egg them on. You will revise this in life as you acquire older...If people know something bothers you...they will preserve pushing that button. Dont dwell on it. You gave the boys something to talk nearly for sure, but its not that big of a deal. Toughen up and act close to it was not a big deal to you. Don't be shy because of it, its easier to pick on someone next to less confidence then someone who is confident. .
trust me... its not the worse piece that is going to happen! the more you over act in response about it the more these guys are going to feed bad your reaction! dont worry something will carry their attention next week and it will all budge away! thats the good thing roughly being young, other relatives do embarrassing things ALL the time and you will learn to simply laugh

and later on surrounded by life it will be even funnier.
that sucks, especially when the people you are dealing next to are immature. it sounds like their juvenile behaviour problem, not yours. you should be proud of your boobs instead of ashamed and if someone says theyre nice, take it as a compliment. =] if they're playful you about it, and they say the "nice boobs" comment, lately laugh and say appreciation.
maybe even tease them back- self be like, "haha thank you, yours are nice too"
it usually shuts them up :].
you can't make them forget it
freshly laugh it off
you'll be smaller number embarissed and they'll probably stop talkin about it
if you seem as if you dont strictness
good luck!.
im a boy and personally if u started tomfoolery around with me about something close to that i would probably forget it. dont get embarassed joke near the other boys about it and they will leave u alone I wouldn't be embarassed, I bet adjectives those guys think about you and your boobs adjectives night and maybe you can hook up beside one of them :)

wow, i really feel bad for you :(
don't counter, just ignore them
they will eventually stop discussion about it
don't yell at them or anything, or they will hold more to talk about
not a complete lot you can do. I wouldn't bother commenting on it if people bring it up. Don't act disconcerted about it. things like that begin dont fret over it. Dont let them make an issue out of it. If you do afterwards get prepared forendless teasing,..
im a guy (12 years old) their pigs so dont worrie. dont be shy purely act normal if someone brings it up hoot it offkk hope i help ed when they approach you just screech it off or just forget about them and they will forget about it in roughly speaking a week.
Just ignor them, they will forget in 3/4 days. BABE THESE THINGS HAPPEN TO EVERYONE!

just accomplishment like nothin happened! x .
show them another those boobs in witch is bigger I'll come and flash my boobs so they forget yours?.
just do something really stupid so they will forget what have happened before lol

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